My personaLity ResuLt - ![]() Previous Posts
Friday, April 13, 2007 Play the music before you read on!...:P
Its been a while since i last blog... Today is friday the 13th...n i prefer to stay at home the whole day...:P Yup!...u got dat rite...the whole day!...wooohooo...lolz u might b wondering...doesn't dis guy hav a job?... well...i'm on MC...hahaz...the 1st time after 4 months of work...Juz feel dat i needed another long weekend after last week's long weekend... I was coming down with a really bad fever n body aching all over last's been beta...hence the blogging...:) Wen i was at the doc's a moment earlier begging (ok i'm exaggerating) for dat precious piece of paper (read MC), my queue no was also 13.... I was like...such a coincidence?...wat if i'm reallie running on bad luck today?...hahaz.. Mayb tink too much already....but to play safe....stay at home!...Lolz Oh ya...i actually caught someone kissing on the stairs opp my block juz noe... i was like quite kay poh trying to c if they proceed to do anything else... but tink i was SPOTTED! away...hahaz... i shant b a peeping tom from noe on....:P Called my this male colleague to tell him dat i wun b in office today...actually he sorta half expected it ...told him ytd already... Den he was like..."u sure u sick or not?...u sound ok to me lehz"...hahaz..i hav to admit...i feel beta today...but juz dreaded work...:P The last few days...he has been telling mi that i've been looking gloomy...he asked mi wat's the prob.... I myself dun even noe...lolz...although i do admit that i've been feeling rather blue n down dis few weeks... Dun come n ask mi wats wrong...coz i dun even noe!....lolz...i guess i feel dat something is lacking...i feel rather empty inside (I'm not talking about food u silly!)...i juz couldnt really put them in words.... My horoscope for this week says: Will wonders ever cease? You're in a more generous mood than usual. Do someone a favour and relax a little. You have a habit of holding back for fear of revealing too much of your feelings. Don't take people for granted. Hmm...i wunder wat dat actually means...lolz...generous mood?...nah...u guys not gonna get a treat from mi...hahaz...i do agree with the holding back part...lolz...lets juz say i'm more of an inside person....:P... n i do believe i've always been taking people and things for granted.... but sometimes...we get so busy wif our lives that...we tend to forget and neglect the things/people we always appreciate... its not that we do not care bout them anymore...its juz...hmm...our brains and mind has got this limited amt of space onli....hence...we'll tend to hmm...forget? not the word i'm trying to express... i guess some tots r reallie hard to express in words...but i guess some of u should understand wat i'm trying to say...lolz... Aniway...i wana tell the precious clique that no matter wat happens...we should still continue our journey together...Let bygones be bygones....doesnt matter who's right n who's wrong in the past...let's start afresh... 10 yrs of is not so easy to build up n maintain...we've been thru a lot of ups and nt much dis little setback gonna reallie test our frenship... i reallie enjoyed the times i spent wif u all...though it is always the usual dinner fare followed by KTV every gathering...we nv failed to enjoy ourselves and bring out the highness in us...:) Perhaps some of u might feel tired of it after all dis yrs...but i've nv felt that way...each outing always seemed to brought us even closer...i always appreciate those dat make an effort to turn up for the gathering...n forgetting the one who always organised them...:) I know...some of you will think...say onli ma...words r but words...but i reallie cant tink of other ways le...true...action might speaks louder than words...but i've always been worried of making the wrong actions n moves for fear of dire consequences...mayb i always tink too much in watever tinks i do...tink about hoe people will feel...hoe they will react...etc... i've been trying to b a very good fren...but i realize that it aint easy at all...i cant say that i'll always be there for one in times of one's need...i guess we all hav our own lives...i cant say i reallie understand one wen we did not hav always hav heart to heart chats....n i cant say that i'm one's bestest frenz should i be compared to others...But at least i'm trying...though itsnt easy...:P Seems like i've spout enough nonsense to bore u all to dreamland...(I'm known to be Mr Boring n Wall by mrs liang dianssss)...lolz Watever outcome may b for precious clique (n i hope it is a good one), i juz want to say that i've nv regretted being part of one. Sweet memories of the past gatherings will always be kept in a part of my heart and hoping that more to come. Precious clique's prince, Casanova's Tears Squall Leonheart... |