My personaLity ResuLt - ![]() Previous Posts
Monday, April 16, 2007 Ceb liang diansss...tried the webbie that u introduced and it was fun!...Lolz
Now i noe i got high sex drive...hahaz... well...i'm juz so lazzzzyyy to do all the prt scrn n den i settled for the widgets instead...(its the small pictures dat u c wen u 1st enter my blog!...go c again!...:P) juz snipets of the reflections of my choices...doesnt telll u guys much eh?... hahaz.. mrs liang dians....u shld go try too...:P and to all those others reading...giv it a try...its pretty harmless fun....interesting in fact... I wunder if there'll b a part 2, 3, 4, etc?...lolz.... lets c if the response is goood or not...hahaz...hmm...tinking of starting a tag box too...c how tinks goes...(or perhaps my laziness will get the beta of mi again)...:P I'm wundering y i'm stil nt sleeping...hahaz...perhaps i slept too much in the day?... n i reallie dread going to work in bout 5 hours time....mondays!...reports!....sick!...lolz... n every1's back from their HK buy trip...i mean my colleagues.... so i'll nt hav ani more peace....the past week w/o them was a breeze at work....manage to KO at 6 plus...those were the past few days.... but come to think of it...i haven gt much outstanding work mayb i can juz...hmm...wishful thinking?....mayb nt?...i'll let u noe in my next entry.... with regards to my last entry...i've been told i've tried too hard to be a good fren...but i feel dat...hmm...hav i reallie try dat hard?...if i did would tinks turn out dis bad?...(izzit as bad as i tink it is?) Letting nature takes it course...will it reallie help?...i'm nt sure...i'm quite a believer in "if u want it...den u have to work for it"(although my actions aint speaking louder den dis words...:P) so...should i stil work on it?....or should i juz let time decides everything?... i guess in life...there's juz too many tough decisions dat we hav to make... n we r always afraid of making the wrong decisions...hence...the problems? i cant always expect tinks to go the way i want them to be...i guess i juz haven reallie found fulfilment n contentment in life... there's dis person (:P) dat was talking to mi juz now on seems dat dis person is quite happy wif the way life has been currently...simple yet fulfilling... it makes mi kinda envious (:P)...bcuz to mi...i feel dat dis person could hav more (in general) in life but dis person is already v happy with current life.... dats the stage of self fulfiment....m i still far frm it?...hoe does one reallie go about achieving it? its nv easy i tink...bcuz i'm a person with great expectations n demands...lolz... a perfectionist...i would say... i guess one reallie needs to experience more tinks in life in order to reallie open their eyes big big n c the surroundings, the people ard them...n realize their blessings... in a way i'm self aware of my blessings...yet i juz keep yearning for more...i guess its in everyone?..or izzit juz mi?... Getting all philosophical huh?...lolz...its juz another one of the many lessons that one has to learn in growing up...n i am stil growing up!...:) Casanova's Tears alias Xiao*ShuaI 0245 Hours Squall Leonheart... |