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Sunday, April 29, 2007
Everything dat i did wif the poem is wrong...wrong place lahz...if not den the backgrd become white end up putting it as a post...the wordings r beautiful....luv it!...lolz... N...the music's so oriental...its frm FF8?...very nice music theme...mayb i'll put up more of FF's theme in future....hard been wanting to do a FF skin for quite some time but lazie til noe...hahaz...:Pp My company's renovating come next it'll be aLL dusT and noise....gosh...wunder hoe i'LL b abLe to work peacefully the next 2 weeks...hahaz...but looking 4ward to the new change! Aniway...happie belated bdae Darren!...if u r reaading dis...lolz...Today's been fun with Mr Liu...Hope to mit up soon...hahaz...hmm...i feel dat there's been a problem between the 3 of us lehz...mayb we should it out the next time we mit?...hahaz...Not problem lahz....but mayb some tinks dat we should talk or settle?....its like a barrier between the 3 of us loz....we'll c hoe tinks go....:) n Mr Andrew...if u r reading dis...lolz...hope you wouldn't misunderstand my actions ok...hahaz...u should noe wat i'm taLking about....:Pp...let's mit up soon also....mayb to SMA the next time....lolz.... I'm watching golden Horse award noe with jay chou singing Ju Hua doesnt sound like him at aLL!...lolz...dear...i'm so he caught a serious case of bad flu or something....hahaz...:P...aniway...he's stiLL my idoL...:) close fren, Ruhua,...her b day is coming...wundering hoe we should celebrate for her dis yr...a surprise mayb?...lolz...shhh...hahaz...would u prefer the usual PC gathering or wat?... Hmm...after hmm...deciphering yer blog...hahaz...i feeL...hmm...dat part of yer blog entry is referring to us?...i'm not sure...its hard to tell also...though u mite feeL dat we r not close...i stiLL treat u as a cLose fren....cause i noe dat u will surely b there for mi if something bad happens... Hence...i feeL dat a close fren does not always need to talk or do things together...wats more important is the presence...n yer presence is always felt by mi...:) also lahz...not forgetting my jie n my mummy....n auntie also...hahaz...U guys will always b treasured though its not often said...:) Ruhua....hope yer granny gets weLL grandma passed away wen i was pri 6 and poly yr 2...been thinking bout them recently after yer postings...hahaz...i did not cry til the actual cremation day...i tot i wouldnt reallie feel a tink coz i was onli p6...its reallie a strange tot...hmm...but wen i viewed the coffin being pushed into the cremation tink n burning...i juz have a strong sudden surge of emotions dat needed to b let out.... its kinda strange too....considering dat i wasnt super close wif my grandma... there were also a couple of close-to-tears incidents too...last last yr in hospital....its reallie a terrible feeling wen u reallie feel like crying but u juz had to control...dat time...well...becus every1's crying...i juz feel dat i had to b strong to console them....but believe mi....its reallie a terrible feeling...pretty hard to describe in words eh...i shant elaborate too much....onli a few know bout dis incident...its not ssomething nice to tok bout afterall.... Aniway...i've been thinking bout frenships...i guess there's juz too many tinks to say...lolz...i'm naggy i noe...:Pp...i tink wen we were young....we wouldnt hav so much arguments back den bcuz it reallie was pure n simple frenship...we wouldnt reallie tink about being taken adv or sacrificing...frenship's back den were aLL about being happy with who...enjoying companions wif who... but as we grow...we would start to mit new frenz...n den comparison would come in...also...we will often start to tink a lot...i duno...i tink it reallie its the environment dat makes us tink a lot...wen i was young...i wouldnt even tink whether dis fren is he cunning...does he hav ulterior his character bad til i cant b frenz wif him....i'll juz stick wif whoever i enjoy companions wif n call them best frenz.... But best frenz seemed to hav taken a whole new hmm...dimension? nt the word...lolz...cant tink of it....but...its juz dat best frenz r not wat it used to be for mi animore...the definition i seems best fren noe has to be hmm...sensitive but not being overly sensitive, always being there for the other, lending a listening ear, talking about problems, communication, knowing each other well enough, not back stabbing but front stabing, tactful n the list goes on.... i wouldnt say i fit into dis new definition...cuz its reallie hard to achieve...hahaz...but i'll try to achieve at least half of them...lolz...being a best fren is reallie difficult wen we enter adulthood...we juz hav got so much to tink it reallie possible to attain pure n simple frenships again?....i duno.... aLL i'm wishing for now is a pure n simple frenship with ruhua, jie, mudder n aunite and another 1 wif darren n mr liu that wouLd LasT LonGer Den FoReVeR....:) Casanova's Tears 2145 Hours Squall Leonheart... |