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Sunday, May 6, 2007 Hey...good day....
iTs been a duLL weekend...LoLz...i've got a weekly report awaiting for updating n here i am bLogging...hahaz... ActuaLLy...i've got no idea wat to bLog about for dis mayb it'LL b i say...its been a duLL weekend...:P Hmm...time chasing me or i'm chasing time...acTuaLLy tiLL now...i stil do not hav a definite ans for myseLf...hopefuLLy i can hear from aLL who's reading dis now?...LoLz.... oh...i juz cut my hair Last mon...not a Lot would have noticed but iTs inspired by xiao gui...LoLz... *PondeRs* reaLLy duno wat To bLog aBouT aLreaDy....!!!...LoLz... i wenT to c a primary sch fren of mine's bLog...His recenT enTry depicts aBouT the ConseQuences of ouR acTions...n he used a scenaRio...its something Like Dis... There's dis day whereby he's r rushing for work...den he wunder if he should take a bus or cab... den he ended up taking a bus...Wen he boarded the bus...iT was crowded but he managed to grab a seat...den at the next stop...more peopLe boarded the bus...dat Left him thinking... if he Hadn'T took the Bus...what would Hav happened insteaD... iTs someThing LidaT Lahz.... But the tink behind dis scenario is Dat...Many a Times...we r aLways DoinG Things wiThout thinking of the consequences...n he reLated dis to his him n his younger Brother's kinship...bLaminG himseLf for not BoThering aBouT his BroTher's Life in The past n not showing comcern for him.... which lead him into being wiTh Bad Company and RecentLy...sentenced to JaiL for DruGs i tink?....n he's reaLLy bLaming himseLf for wat happened to his BroTheR... I guess its reaLLy a tough time for him?...wat's more he's in TW rite now n his b day juz passed....wat a lousy b day Pressie... ActuaLLy i feeL Like getting in touched with him but it seems preTTy awkard?...kinda Like so many yrs aLready... We used to b raTher cLose coz we were also from the same tuition centre n wouLd sometimes pLay footbaLL (Yes...i Do pLay FootbaLL b4...LoLz)...or go to the see saw...pLay some mindLess Catching or Hide n Seek...hahaz...those were the days.... I have seen his LiL Bro b4 back den n he didnt seem aLL dat bad to me...guess bad company's reaLLy changes one's goodness my clique's aLL preTTy good-natured n kind-hearted peopLe...:P Have you ever wanTeD to go back to one point of yer Life n change something dat you have or have nt done?...(I noe that's not possibLe but wat harm wiLL it do to juz tink aBout iT?...afTeraLL...Life's aLL aBout imagination n dReams)...I have wat izzit dat u wana change?...Hmm...i wouLd definiteLy wana confront my ex best taLk things understand the probLem n his feeLings... U mite wana ask...y not do it now?...i feeL...its kinda pointLess aLreaDy...he has moved on...i have moved on...LeT's just LeT aLL the BeauTifuL memories stay in our hearTs... So much has been said ( Not a Lot actuaLLy)...LoLz...take a moment n ponder the things that Had happened in yer Life...aLL the DramaTic Incidents...the happy moments...the tearfuL ones...the one that you'LL not forget....the one that'LL aLways bring a smiLe to your face everytime it is tot of...the touching one....the recent ones.... izzit aLL aBout Happiness in Life that we sought?...i beg to differ...we cant aLways expect Life to be smoooth saiLing...everyone needs a LiL setback...a LiL Loss...a LiL acTuaLLy reaLize and count one's blessing....untiL den...wiLL we reaLLy Learn to cherish n TreasuRe...(Just Like my Pri sch fren) And Not forgeTTing ThaT without the sour n bitter moments...the sweeT wont b as sweeT...:) Casanova's Tears, 1952 Hours P.S.: Share aLL yer ToTs n Experiences @ My RanTinGs!...:P Squall Leonheart... |