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Sunday, May 20, 2007 Hi aLL...
i haven had a singLe entry for the past 2 weeks....noe i tot i shouLd do my bLog some justice...LoLz... Today's Qi Long's bday...Happy B day QL!...though yer b day present dis yr is beLated...i sure hope that it is the best of aLL that we've given so wait patientLy...:Pp May aLL yer wishes come true and be bLessed with good heaLth... QL...since today's yer speciaL day...den dis paragraph's for you... She's the most wonderfuL fren one couLd ever have.... aLways putting others above seLf...seLfLess acts that aLways goes unappreciated by peopLe ard her... She's the one that aLways does the organising of activities without compLain... She's aLways wiLLingLy baking us cakes without any obLigations... She's my best fren since forever... She's abLe to touch peopLe's Heart.... She's fuLL of compassion and Love for others... She's good @ her culinary skiLLs... She loves lacy clothings... She's very nice and LovabLe...super chatty n sometimes crappy...:Pp She's superwoman (good at work, studies...hmm...spending money!...LoLz) She has extraordinary dreams... She has a disLike for carparks...esp the one @ Taka...:Pp She has a "unique relationship" with KL...:P She's unpredicatabLe aLL times, compLicated in her thoughts yet simpLe in her actions She's good natured...a bit of a pessimistic @ times... Above aLL, she is one heLLuva fren one couLd ever have...You rock ger!...this song's going out to you...enjoy.... "She hangs out every day near by the beach Having a Heineken faLLing asleep She Looks so sexy when she's walking the sand Nobody ever put a ring on her hand Swim to the oceanshore fishing the sea She is the story, the story is she She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky Shining from high above you shouldn't ask why She is the one that you'LL never forget She is the heaven sent angeL you met Oh she must be the reason why god made a girL She is so pretty aLL over the worLd She puts the rythm, the beat in the drum She comes in the morning, in the evening she's gone Every Little hour, every second you Live Trust in eternity, that's what she gives She Looks Like MariLyn, waLks Like Susanne She taLks Like Monica and Mary-Ann She wins in everything that she might do And she wiLL respect you, forever just you She is the one that you'LL never forget She is the heaven sent angeL you met Oh she must be the reason why god made a girL She is so pretty aLL over the worLd She is so pretty aLL over the worLd She is so pretty She is Like you and me, Like them, Like we She's in you and me She is the one that you'LL never forget She is the heaven sent angeL you met Oh she must be the reason why god made a girL She is so pretty aLL over the worLd" Something ironic is happening at my void deck area...on my bLock area...there's this maLay red affair going on and then...rite beside my bLock...there's dis white affair going on ironic is that...LoLz... My company has finished its 1st phase of the renovation....hence i've aLready moved into dat new area...itss quite nice...beta den b4 i wouLd say...conducive for working...but nt so much of the interaction noe... which is kinda good....considering the fact that i wouLdn't hav to face some of my annoying coLLeagues noe...hahaz...i'm a meanie...:P Hmm...GSS is coming...i can sense a bLoodshed battLe between mi n my money aLready...LoLz... i've aLready decided wats on my Buying agenda....first n foremost...a pair of sneakers...mayb a accessories...n watever comes aLong...hahaz... okok....mayb i shouLd watch a LiL...but i haven spend money on cLothings for months!...hahaz... everytime i bLog...i wiLL write bout some hmm...meaningfuL? things....hence dis one is no i shaLL bLog bout mr xxx....LoLz... Mr xxx was my secondary sch's best fren....we r inseparabLe...dats wat a Lot of peopLe say n tot...we wouLd do everything basketbaLL...hav Lunch after schooL...take pictures...pLay arcade games (we used to be DDR addicts...LoLz)...participate in schooL's dances n pLays...gossipping...pLaying zero points n netbaLL...even cheating during tests n speLLings...LoLz...u name it...we've done it... we used to hav a Lot of fren's grp...from dis grp to that grp...we nv faiLed to hav fun n Luffter... i've read thru aLL the cards that he has given to me b4...none of which were of meaningfuL context....the 1st one he gave me was a card he made himself...its pretty nice... the last card (i've nv really shown this card to anyone) was a content that goes Like this: "Dear Delun, I regretted, really really regretted what i did. Anyway, it's aLL fine now. ActuaLLy, on Wed (29/11/2000) in Lim's house, i wanted to taLk to you. But i did not summon enough courage to. Remember this, when you wish upon a star, anything that can happen, wiLL happen." "Friends Like you are hard to find. i shouLdn't have done what i did. Anyway, we stiLL met." attached was a gLow-in-the-dark bear which i stiLL kept...i tink he noes i Like glow-in-the-dark stuffs...i stiLL do...:) TiL now...i stiLL have nt much idea wat is the done n did dat he is referring to... we did stiLL meet after this card...but not for Long... How Long has it been?...i've Lost count...5 yrs? 7 yrs?...i guess it doesnt matter animore bcoz nanny, ...i've Learnt to Let go aLready too...PeopLe shouLdnt b Living in the past...but Live for the present n future...though it'LL b nice to remisnice once in a whiLe... Though Long gone but definiteLy not forgotten....I wana thank him for.... making mi realize wat r best fren for and made of.... cherishing my current frenz even more.... aLL the efforts he's put into dis frenship... making X'mas an extremeLy memorabLe festive season for me noe... aLL the jokes he toLd...the gossips we share...the tears we shed...the Luffters we had... the things he had taught me... the frenz that he had shown me... the wonderfuL memories he's Left for me during sec days...w/o him...i tink i'LL b much of a Loner... the wonderfuL secret santa game... the laughabLe "oh shit" event....:) the funniLy created nickname, "Gai and Pelun"... and the Lists can just goes on... Above aLL...i wana thank him for appearing in my Life once...i guess everyting happens for a reason...though i'm not sure wat's the reason behind his disappearing act... it's been a reaLLie wunderfuL 4 yrs...weLL spent i wouLd say...i remembered i used to cry i was 1st informed of going to SGT for my sec wasnt the Least bit i expected...wat can i possibLy gain from such a sch...Looking back....i'm reaLLy happy that i had not asked for a transfer...everything reaLLie happens for a reason...and to make the best out of it reaLLie depends on oneseLf... Nanny...i noe that you have been bLaming yourseLf over the yrs for this faiLed frenship...but i can honestLy say that it's not your fauLt...nobody expected that to happen...nobody wans that to happen...its juz...part of growing up... everybody has got different views and at some pt in Life...we wouLd start to move on...think of wat we reaLLie wan in Life...and perhaps at dat pt of time in his Life...he reaLLie feLt jaded of dis frenship and that he wanted something different...something more exciting...peopLe he couLd reLate more to... or he mite have feLt that he is the one causing a strain in our frenship...hence his reason for couLd b anything...its definiteLy not just you one is to b is afteraLL his Life n decision...he chose the way he wan it...he Live it... Running away from problems?...or just mere changing his life...i duno...but watever it is...i stiLL wish the best for him no matter where he is...:) Ending with a beautifuL note is a song he loves very much....i tink he stiLL Likes it.... Casanova's Tears, 1822 Hours Squall Leonheart... |