Final Fantasy-
Why do people depend on each other?
In the end you're on your own
I'm fine by myself now
I have all the skills I need to survive
I'm not a child anymore ..
That's a lie
I don't know anything
I'm confused
I don't want to depend on anyone
How can i do that ?
Someone tell me .. Someone?
So i'll end up depending on other after all .
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Friday, December 21, 2007

光良 - I Miss You



Oh because I miss you
Yes I miss you

Yes because I miss you

Yes I miss you



X'mas is 4 days and counting...juz had the company's x'mas ceLebration a few days ago...
and i was named the best dresser...LoLz...kinda Lame...we had dis theme of dressing up for another coLLeague...den dis coLLeague bought mi a soooo rodeo hat and matching shirt...

den everyone was starting to sing dat jay chou song...hahaz...
and i managed to win the voting by a mere 1 vote!..:)

everyone did enjoy themseLves i guess...there was pLenty of fun n Luffter with the rebonding games...

i haven been very unhappy dis few weeks...some days i juz forced myseLf to smiLe during at work...but deep down in my heart...i am reaLLie unhappy...nt those angry unhappy...but somehow meLanchoLic unhappy...

I hav learnt to accept some facts...some reaLities of Life...some truth...

Let bygones be bygones...

I'm going to Lead my Lone Ranger Life once more...not dat i'm not used to it...i'LL juz hav to adapt as it takes time...

Dis yr's X'mas wiLL be w/o 2 of my cLosest frenz...feeLs kinda weird...for the 1st time after 10 Long yrs...i wunder hoe it wiLL b Like...

wiLL i miss them during dat day?...yes i sure wiLL...wiLL i b tot of?..hmm..
i sure hope it wiLL onLi b dis yr...

a LoneLy X'mas every yr wouLd b very saddening...

I dare not wish for too much from dis frenship animore...i juz want everyone to b happy for now...Life is reaLLie short..we shouLd cherish every moment of it and juz do wat we wish to...

my new resoLution is not to b so seLf-centred...sometimes i can get so obssessed wif myseLf dat i negLect others...i kept thinking that i'm a pretty sensitive guy in the past...but sometimes...i feeL dat i hav overLooked some of my frenz feeLing sometimes...

i do not know how they feeL about certain things, i do not know what they r thinking of...i do not care enough for them...

its not easy to b a good takes a Lot of time, commitment, understanding, patience, trust, etc...

buiLding a juz Like buiLding a reLationship...

i've been thinking a bit bout the death topic recentLy...

shouLd i pass away one day...which of my frenz wiLL b there?
which of my frenz wiLL stiLL b Left?
wiLL my passing away bring back again the cLoseness of the Lost frenship?

I know its pretty siLLy to b thinking of aLL these...but i was thinking of aLL dis on my Long waLk home earLier...

I Love taking Long waLks...whenever i am feeLing down...I wouLd waLk...esp in the night...waLking has a caLming effect on me...

it aLLows me to think thru things...aLthough i might nt hav a concLusion at the end of the waLk...i'LL stiLL b more organised with some thinking...

I Love to sing when i waLk too...and chit chat...juz taLk about anything under the stars...

Hav done dat wif Ceb and Jie...from amk aLL the way to hg...the feeLing was nice...i feeL dat there was aLmost no pretense @ dat time...thinking of it stiLL warms my heart...

Hav done dat wif darren too...aLL the way from PS to Serangoon...den to Hg...he's a great singing companion wen waLking too...(my funni KTV kaki)

waLking wif different peopLe brings about different memories and different feeLings..

but aLL of them r good memories...waLking aLone is aLso a good feeLing...

The pLeasures of the simpLe things in Life...:)

I hav aLways teLL myseLf dat my motto in Life is to Live weLL and Live fuLL...
but i reaLized dat most i haven aLways been abLe to do dat...

I rareLy spLurge on myseLf...treat myseLf to some massage i haven too...
but i reaLized dat i'm more wiLLing to spLurge on families n frenz...funni huh...kinda contradict the self-centredness dat i mention earlier...

I'm juz nt calculative wen it comes to others i guess...

As the season of giving comes ard the corner, i sincerely (from the bottom of my heart) wish aLL to b happy, bLessed with good heaLth, and reaLLie enjoy the companion of their Loved ones on this memorable day...

Extend and giv yr Love ard to aLL yr Loved ones Juz Like mi giving them to aLL in-reading now...

Merry Christmas...

(Emotions Under Construction - Turn Around; so that you won't see me cry)

CasaNova's Tears,
0300 Hours

Squall Leonheart...

*1:03 AM .