My personaLity ResuLt - ![]() Previous Posts
Saturday, October 27, 2007 周杰倫 - 彩虹
有没有口罩一个给我 释怀说了太多就成真不了 也许时间是一种解药 也是我现在正在服下的毒药 看不见你的笑 要我怎么睡得着 你的身影这么近我却抱不到 没有地球太阳开始环绕 没有理由我也能自己逃 你要离开 我知道更简单 你说依赖 是我们的阻碍 就算放开 那能不能别没收我的爱 当作我最后才明白 RAP 看不见你的笑 要我怎么睡得着 你的身影这么近我却抱不到 没有地球太阳开始环绕环绕 没有理由我也能自己走掉 是我说了太多就成真不了 也许时间是一种解药解药 也是我现在正服下的毒药 My favourite song at the moment..the lyrics are nt bear wif it..:) there are a few nice songs which i aLso Like recentLy.. 1. 梁静茹 - 崇拜 2. 阿杜 - 差一点 3. 徐若瑄 - 亲爱的 (I know this song is quite oLd Le..but i've been Listening to it a Lot recentLy) Yay!...i'm going to Jay Chou's concert come January!..heard dat the tickets r seLLing Like had beta grab some fast!... the other concert i reaLLie feeL Like going to is Fish Leong's... Hav aLways been an avid fan of hers...weLL...i cant b going to 2 concerts in such a short time...i'LL go broke! i'LL juz hav to choose my Jay...hahaz I guess dats the onLi positive news dat happened to mi in the few weeks...otherwise..its aLL pretty bad..some updates since its been sometime... 1. My father got into a car accident Last week...or was it dis week?.. This is pretty big news to mi...considering my father's condition...but he said he wasn't reaLLie hurt...juz knocked his chin on the steering wheeL... I was reaLLie worried for him...the way he reLated the sounded Like a serious one..but no one was seriousLy injured..he toLd mi his company's car flew to the centre portion, the part where they grew bushes between two opposite direction flowing traffic (sounnds serious aint it?) I've toLd him to stop working aLready but he juz wun Listen...oLd peopLe...wat to do..going to tuas, bukit panjang to work isnt reaLLie wat i tot wouLd b gd for him..dat day by the time he came was aLready 11 plus and he hadnt had dinner (had to settle the car prob, take down statement, etc)..gosh... wat to advice aLways faLL on deaf ears..:( aniway...enuff of dat aLready... 2. There's a Lot of office poLitics going on in the company these days...and i reaLLie mean a Lot...hahaz.. Depts gossiping bout depts, colleagues gossiping bout own dept colleagues, Dept gossiping bout GMs..LoLz... there's juz so much of them... heard dat my manager had been going for interviews...possibLy found one aLready mayb?..weLL..she had to...caused we aLL tink the GM has taken a disLike for her aLeady...both of them too strong opinionated...kinda hard to work together.. some of the buyers are activeLy seeking empLoyment too..hahaz..i guess the workLoad reaLLie doesnt justify the pay...too much manuaL stuffs to do...pLus...the GM aint appreciative... weLL...mi?...i did hint my buyer dat i hav intentions of Leaving too..but she asked mi to stay on coz i hav the chance of a promotion if ani of the buyers Leave... part of mi is happy but another is wundering... i do Like working in a fashion industry...but the current workLoad aint dat interesting... i hav been thinking too...wat do i wana achive 5 or 10 yrs down the i still c myself in the fashion industry?..r the prospects good enuff generally across fashion industry and specificaLLy in buying... i'm reaLLie nt sure now... or shLd i pursue a deg in Tourism and head towards the IR environment...the prospects seemed so much beta and i reaLLie had the excitement to b part of it... or shLd i even Look at the banking industry? dat i tink i wiLL fair equaLLy weLL too..investment banking has gt big money and prospects too...but uLtimateLy..i tink job satisfaction matters more to mi... but the deg in Tourism is kinda exp now...for a piece of paper...i Hav to fork out 22K plus 16 months worth of torturous studies... as for now...i've decided to stay on to my job tiLL i get my next AWS before deciding the next move..(tink is in march mayb?)..shLd i nt get promoted by den...i wiLL sureLy Leave..hahaz..such is the reaLity of work Life... I admired Ceb...she aLways knows wat she wans in Life..she sets direction for myseLf and she reaLLie carries them out...say..she wana do a deg in her passion and she reaLLie carried it out.. and i'm stiLL thinking now...heck! its reaLLie nt easy to make big decisions in wrong choice and u mite regret... I did think of venturing into biz with frenz...i'm sure it wiLL definiteLy b fun and experientiaL..but the tot of Losing frenship over some biz matters puts mi into consideration mode too...its reaLLie nt worth to faLL out due to biz reLated matters... sometimes i juz think too much so dat it puts peopLe off... i'm juz too defensive at times...i'm nt sure has juz become part of my personaLity... which reminds mi of a story...i heard dis frm radio a few days ago...dis one is by Chong Qing...his stories r aLways inspiring Like Mary Bukoh ones... "There was dis singLe woman who moved into an apartment. Her neighbours happened to b a widow and a chiLd, a very poor famiLy. One day, it so happen dat there was a bLackout. The singLe woman immediateLy Lit a candLe and right after dat, there was a kock on the door. She opened the door and there it was, the poor child next door. He asked the singLe woman if she had ani candLes. The singLe woman, thinking dat they were so poor dat they cant even afford candLes and afraid dat her neighbours wiLL come to depend on her a Lot if she were to giv them one now, toLd the poor kid a "NO" in a very coLd tone. That's wen the chiLd said:" My mother and I knew that since u r Living aLone, you probabLy wun hav ani. So i brought 2 candLes for you!" At dat point, the singLe woman is full of remorse and she immediateLy hugged the chiLd with teary eyes." Chong Qing's moral of the story is dat one shLdnt b afraid to apoLogise and admit mistakes wen they reaLized dat they r in the wrong. I had another moraL though...hahaz..its doesnt matter whether u r rich, ugly, pretty poor, Long as u hav a nice personaLity and a heart of goLd...dats reaLLie the best gift u can ever pt u r weaLthy and famous but very scheming and eviL...wiLL nt get u anywhere and u wiLL nt hav ani frenz... Thank goodnezz i stiLL hav a smaLL bunch of frenz who hav a heart of i ever had as gifts in Life...:) X'mas is coming...i wunder where i wiLL end up dis yr...every yr has aLways been a joyous one wif cLose frenzz...i can't reaLLie say so for this yr after wat happened Last yr... IronicaLLy...X'mas has aLways been the most joyous festivaL season for mi...and then the most heart-wrenching ones aLso... I have aLways Loved the X'mas...the gift-exchanging, the chats over dinner, the sumptuous meaL, and the occasionaL after dinner activities Like KTV... Howver, it is aLways the mood during X'mas and the feeLings and bonding wif frenz dat gets mi happy... Such Fond memories of X'mas...its aLrite..Cen Jing Yong You wouLd do for mi... Does frenships aLways end right after X'mas?...if so...i rather X'mas nv ends...or a X'mas day everyday...i reaLLie wan the speciaL moments to Last! aLL good things aLways come to an end though...and goodbyes r aLways the hardest to say..esp to a Loved dat has been with you thru ups and downs...thru thick and thin...Luffter and sadness... Come and go...but aLways a speciaL pLace in my heart.... This coming X'mas...I wish, i wish and i wish...mayb...just mayb...:) CasaNova's Tears, 0230 Hours Squall Leonheart... |