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Saturday, August 18, 2007 Hi aLL...
Juz caught Jay's Latest movie, 不能說的秘密, and i am reaLLie touched...Loved it to bits! i guess behind every secret Lies a very beautifuL story and behind this secret Lies a very Romantic, Touching and Heart-warming fairy taLe... and i am so awe-strucked and impressed by Jay's Piano TaLents! I especiaLLy Like the part where 湘伦&小雨四手联弹片段 and also the part where 宇豪&湘伦斗琴片段 Managed to dig this up!...Hahaz...i've watched it a coupLe of times aLready and it stiLL touches my heart...hope it is the same for you too...:) To Ceb and's to you for missing out on the 1st few mins...Enjoy! The Movie is breakdown to 4 parts! But i stiLL prefer the actuaL cinema feeL coz the sound of the piano are pLayed with more cLarity...:) 不能說的秘密 - The Movie and i Love this short version traiLer a Lot! The music and scenes used to produce this traiLer are just right and perfect! 不能說的秘密 - The TraiLer aLL Courtesy of the taLented Mr Jay Chou...:) *wonders if i'LL have dis kinda fairytaLe drama secret happening to mi too* CasaNova's TeaRs, 0115 Hours Squall Leonheart... |