My personaLity ResuLt - ![]() Previous Posts
Sunday, July 22, 2007 Hi aLL...
U muz be wundering...y am i bLogging on such a morning...LoLz... ActuaLLy i wanted to deLete my prev. entry...but i reaLized dat both Liang Dianz hav read weLL... To Ceb...I'm not sure y u wana cLose down yer bLog...but i reaLLie do wish dat u wiLL continue...bcuz i aLways enjoyed reading every singLe entry...i hav aLways feeL enLightened in a way or another after each keep continuing ok?...:) Hmm...i have been thinking...and i finaLLy reaLized dat the probLem do Lies with me... Perhaps...i've not been a very good fren afteraLL... Perhaps...i do not know everyone weLL enough at aLL... I aLso yearn for a simpLe frenship Life...y do we aLways have to compLicate things? this the way of things?... Jie...i wana reassure you dat no matter wat'll still b my best of best frenz...nothings gonna change dat... perhaps you hav think like wise... actions hav aLways seemed couLn't care Less... perhaps my words hav sometimes been hurting... You shouldn't keep dweLLing on the past and see the mistakes that we...or esp i have made...bcuz...i do beLieve that they are aLready the past and wouLdn't constitutes to now... Like they say...nian shao wu zhi...LoLz... With regards to ytd's doesnt bother mi so much animore... in fact...i've been thinking dat i'm behaving Like some chiLdish is indeed a dinner and outing onLi...y do i hav to Let it bother mi so much...(but the fact that it reaLLie bothered mi ytd shows that i reaLLie treasure dis frenship)... I reaLLie hope to make things rite again...sometimes i juz duno hoe to go about doing it... sometimes i juz forgot about doing it... i reaLLie duno wat's wrong wif mi...this is one of the things that i wana do...but i juz didnt action on... i guess i'm juz nt firm enuff wif wat i wan in Life?... Jie...i'm nt bothered wif ytd's fact...i'm feeLing good today aLready... i understand dat u hav yer own things as weLL... i understand dat u hav STM (read short term memory) as weLL...(not to mention dat u forgot bout my b day dis yr...:P) i understand dat u r not obLiged to teLL mi everything as weLL... i understand dat u wana do some sister bonding wif Ceb as weLL...(heLL, u dun tink i was going to sister bond wif u guys...LoLz...) I'm trying to be more understanding and c things frm everyone's pt of view... it's nt easy bcuz i am not you or he or she...i am juz myseLf... but from dis entry...u can at Least sense dat i'm trying... Let's do some expLaining rite noe... Ytd's...i do wana join u guys so much...its juz dat...i've kinda Lost the mood aLready...i dun wan u aLL waiting for mi too coz i wasn't at aLL prepared (you guys noe hoe Long i wouLd take juz to get ready...:P...i shant go into further detaiLs about dat)... Aniway...dis issue's nt so much of a big prob i guess... What's reaLLie been bothering you and mi is actuaLLy the chomp's incident i guess... I guess you juz wouLdn't beLieve dat i didn't bad-mouthed you...sigh... i've toLd you the main reason aLready but i guess u juz dun buy it.... Some amt of expLanation wouLd heLp...once a stereotyped sort of tot in impLanted in the mind...its juz wun go away...the haLo effect...hahaz.. Oh weLL...enuff for now...Signing off... Good Enough (Piano SoLo) - Sarah McLachLan Hey your gLass is empty It's a heLL of a Long way home Why don't you Let me take you It's no good to go aLone I never wouLd have opened up But you seemed so real to me And after aLL the buLLshit I've heard It's refreshing not to see That I don't have to pretend She doesn't expect it from me So, don't teLL me I haven't been good to you Don't teLL me I have never been there for you Just don't teLL me why Nothing is good enough Hey Little girl wouLd you Like some candy Your momma said that it's OK The door is open come on outside No I can't come out today It's not the wind that cracked your shouLder And threw you to the ground Who's there that makes you so afraid You're shaken to the bone Ya know I don't understand You deserve so much more than this So don't teLL me why He's never been good to you Don't teLL me why He's never been there for you Don't you know that why Is simpLy not good enough So just Let me try And I wiLL be good to you Just Let me try And I wiLL be there for you I'LL show you why you're so much more than good enough So just Let me try And I wiLL be good to you Just Let me try And I wiLL be there for you I'LL show you why you're so much more than good enough CasaNova's TeaRs, 1045 Hours Squall Leonheart... |