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Sunday, July 8, 2007 Hi aLL...
Embedded Ah Jay de new song... ☆不能说的秘密电影主打☆ 周杰伦 - 不能说的秘密 词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 冷咖啡离开了杯垫 我忍住的情绪在很后面 拼命想挽回的从前 在我脸上依旧清晰可见 最美的不是下雨天 是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐 oh~~ 回忆的画面 在荡着秋千 梦开始不甜 你说把爱渐渐 放下会走更远 又何必去改变 已走过的时间 你用你的指尖 阻止我说再见 想象你在身边 在完全失去之前 你说把爱渐渐 放下会走更远 或许命运的签 只让我们遇见 只让我们相恋 这一季的秋天 飘落后才发现 这幸福的碎片 要我怎么捡 Jay's new movie wiLL b out excited!...hahaz...cant wait... n i tink he's coming to s'pore dis month end...hmm...1 day onLi...for some promotionaL activities... Updates yet again~...i'LL keep dis entry short... I juz did a presentation last friday...hahaz...critics given pretty gd for my speech...but feLt i couLd do Buyer Loz...go Shanghai den i gotta stand in for her...LoL...but it was a nice exp...n another step cLoser to my promotion...hahaz...*fingers crossed* Ytd was a speciaL day...07/07/2007... a speciaL day for many coupLes-to-be...(tink got 70,000 pLus coupLes tying their knot to dis special day...7 was afteraLL considered Lucky in the US) a speciaL day for the earth... Lots of concerts (LIVE EARTH) too...aLL aimed at global warming...but it gt me thinking...u r holding so many the aim reaLLy there...hoe much do they care aniway...not to mention that more heat is generated frm the concert...aLL the Lightings...hahaz... Hmm...and i've received my 1st reservist notification sianz...scheduLed to b mid Nov for 2 weeks...yucks!...hahaz...i tink it wiLL b a xiong 1st reservist wif aLL the high keys and mayb dig trench?...doubLe yucks! Lamenting again...weLL...i guess dat's Life! I'm Looking forward to the trip...hahaz...have aLready pLanned a bit for the itinerary...:P JuLy shouLd b more or Less peacefuL more OTs i hope...hahaz... This month's atrium...hmm...Let's hope it'LL meet the saLes target...hahaz...the Last one nv...sianz...beta pray hard....its gonna affect my KPI (Key Performance Indicator) afteraLL... Hmm...k...dats aLL for the updates for now... Jie...i know u r in a predicament now...but u reaLLie hav to be firm of what u wan Loz...if u wan quit...den do it...:P i m teLLing others but i cant seemed to put myseLf to preach...LoLz...i guess dats me... Mudder...happie beLated bday...i'm nt sure if u wana ceLebrate dis yr but i'm aLready pLanning a present for u...:) Ceb...r u feeLing beta aLready?...yer sickness i mean...LoLz...pai seh Lehz...u sick stiLL ask u do so many wunder u nt very in the mood Last week...Cheer up ok!....if u feeL bored can caLL mi de...den i can bore u even more to sLeep...:P Ok peeps...signing off...dinner time!...More updates to come!...stay tuned! As usuaL...gonna sign off wif Videoes...Enjoy~ 超級星光大道 潘裕文 林志炫--離人 得到 22 分 (Have aLways Loved dis song...they sing untiL super got feeLing...:P) He was third in the overaLL competition...*claps* 蕭敬騰(1) vs 楊宗緯(2) (新不了情) 楊宗緯 managed to wow everyone...LoLz...i'm impressed...(But he Later withdraw from the competition wiLLingLy (His own decision) for faLse reporting of sad and wasted) Look @ this video where he PKed with this chaLLenger 蕭敬騰 In remembrance.... 超級星光大道 楊宗緯 - 雨天 (Very SpectacuLar & Touching Rendition) He said a reaLLie good statement in dis Vid...眼泪流下來, 就带表结束的開始... CasaNova's TeaRs, 2030 Hours Squall Leonheart... |