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Monday, July 2, 2007 纪念 - 蔡健雅
想念变成一条线 在时间里面漫延 长得可以把世界切成了两个面 他在春天那一边 你的秋天刚落叶 刚落叶 如果从此不见面 让你凭记忆怀念 本来这段爱情可以记得很完美 他的样子已改变 有新伴侣的气味 的气味 那一瞬间 你终于发现 那曾深爱过的人 (嗯)~~ 早在告别的 那天 已消失在这个世界 也许那一次见面 是生命给你机会 了解爱只是人所渴望的投射面 只是渴望会改变 他的爱已经不见 已不见 那一瞬间 你终于发现 那曾深爱过的人 (嗯)~~ 早在告别的 那天 已消失在这个世界 那一瞬间 你终于发现 心中的爱和思念~~ 都只是属于 自己曾经拥有过 曾经拥有过 曾经拥有过的纪念 Hi... Pretty tiring week...wats wif aLL the shopping... zara saLe...puLL and bear saLe...LoLz...bought a LiL of end up freaking poor aLready...oh...did i mention adidas saLe...hahaz... RecentLy heard dis Tanya song over the air waves...been wanting to here it is...the Lyrics is wonderfuLLy written...meaningfuL... Planning a LiL trip in Aug...hahaz...i need a break from work...aLL work n no pLay makes Jack a duLL boy.... Lots of updates dis week!...but i'LL keep it short since...its Late n i'm about to cLose my eyes...:P 1st up...juz finished attending a training course on 7 Habits of HighLy Effective PeopLe last week...hahaz...its was a 1.5 days course heLd by my co...its nt much...but i was kinda touched by a depicts about the moments in Life...cant remember the detaiLs...LoLz...short term again... 2ndLy...atrium saLes (the handLing)...juz ended at West MaLL today...Sales hasnt been dat great...stiLL ok...but i feLt dat i was abLe to manage it quite bu yao Lianz...:Pp Hmm...another 1 coming up dis month! time to prepare...dis is gonna b a bz mth for me...somemore gonna change season....hai many things to LiL time...!!! 3rd you wouLd hav guessed...SH's b day ceLebration! Had a fun dinner...hahaz...KL was in his usuaL drama papa mood again...teLLing us his break up gf...LoLz...the name aLso change Le...caLL jing4 Ling4 or time i'LL ask for the name again!...make sure he nt teLLing Lies... Further to Ceb's entry that KL couLd nt wait to c SH...i wouLd Like to add on dat on dat day...he wear untiL so shuai...Pink PoLo wif Jeans n Leather shoes...c?...diff peopLe gt diff treatment Loz...smaLL peas Like mi is dun care 1...:( Yup...n the one finger incident....LoLz...dats quite funni too He cfm Like SH Lahz...sit beside her...den shy shy...LoLz... Took pics dat day too...i particuLarLy Like dis one ( upLoad one pic in my bLog is sooooo troubLesome...hahaz...) ![]() Dis pic gives me a Lot of different thinking....Everyone's way of Looking to another direction is different...some can be in very deep thought, very troubLed...or very reLaxed...very cheeky...hmm...much to ponder about...hahaz... I went to c her bLog a few moments ago...her recent entry is very the emo...there r a Lot of hidden meanings in it...I'm trying to decipher...but its hard...somehow...hmmm...she's taken a very diff perspective in the way she c things aLready...i'm not sure if its gd or bad... a Lot of times...we reaLLie say onLi but nv do...its not dat we do nt want to do...its juz pure Laziness...i guess Laziness is innate in everyone... a Lot of times too...doing a LiL can reaLLie mean more den saying a Lot...Hoe many of us wouLd dare say dat we've aLready done a Lot....DefiniteLy nt me.... i have faiLed to understand my fren's needs and wants... i have faiLed to communicate wif my frenz via heart to heart.... i have faiLed to aLways b there for my fren in times of need... i have faiLed to not make my frenz angry wif mi... i have faiLed to brighten up my fren's day sometimes... i have faiLed to appreciate the LiL things that they aLways do for me... i have faiLed to share my probLems wif my frens... i have faiLed to reconciLe oLd frenz back together again... i guess wen it comes to frenship (hmm...not to mention reLationships)...i have faiLed quite terribLy... Is it possibLe to start aLL over again?... CasaNova's TeaRs, 0255 Hours Squall Leonheart... |