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Sunday, June 17, 2007 Posted Mr MuscLe man New song...LoLz...
刘畊宏 - 幸福的距离 刘畊宏2007全创作专辑 窗外开始下起毛毛雨 云遮住了星星 夜深了还没有睡意 翻来覆去的想你 时钟滴答滴答的声音 像在说我爱你 转过2点3点到6点 恨不得快点见到你 幸福的距离 就算万公里 在你眼里有我想要勇气 从南极飞到北极 南京到北京 你的笑胜过那些美景 我们勾勾手 就一言为定 我会傻傻的好好的爱你 你的名加我的姓 永远在一起 拥抱多过千言万语 窗外开始下起毛毛雨 云遮住了星星 夜深了还没有睡意 翻来覆去的想你 时钟滴答滴答的声音 像在说我爱你 转过2点3点到6点 恨不得快点见到你 幸福的距离 就算万公里 在你眼里有我想要勇气 从南极飞到北极 南京到北京 你的笑胜过那些美景 我们勾勾手 就一言为定 我会傻傻的好好的爱你 你的名加我的姓 永远在一起 幸福的距离 就算万公里 在你眼里有我想要勇气 从南极飞到北极 南京到北京 你的笑胜过那些美景 我们勾勾手 就一言为定 我会傻傻的好好的爱你 你的名加我的姓 永远在一起 Hi... Not much interesting stuff happened dis wk to Mr Boring...hahaz... Hmm...purchase of the week... 1 Visor... 2 Act Cute Tees... LoLz...aLL from Bossini....hahaz...TotaL...$28...hmm..quite cheap Loz...the act cute tees r at a steaL for 9 SGD...hahaz...they come in Lots of coLors and design... They are actuaLLy Tees for Boys...but i dun care! tink i can fit niceLy into the largest size...:Pp Went to catch a movie yesterday too...titLe's caLLed spider LiLies by rainie yang and isabeLLa's the Link to the preview... Its ok i guess...though my fren feLL asLeep...hahaz.. Rated R21 because of the content...actuaLLy depicts bout dis 2 gers who knew each other wen they r young...but Lost contact...den after many again...and FeLL in Love...not much of a sexuaL stuffs if dats wat u were thinking... Lovey Dovey kinda movie...not very detailed in the pLot but stiLL thought-provoking in some sense...3 out of 5 stars Lahz... Surprised dat i wasn't checked by the ushers! i Looking oLd aLready?...hahaz... Other den dat...i haven reaLLy gt much to bLog Le...everyday's been the same monotonous TV...LoLz... Today...Father's day...nt ceLebrating...sis aint free as usuaL...shhe's off to being a sLave again...sometimes my heart reaLLy goes out to her...hmm...if onLi she couLd turn back time...her ex's been...hmm...LoLz...dats another story for another time...nuff bout her...:Pp yaya...anti-cLimax...Leave you hanging in the air...keep u in suspense...watever u caLL dat...hahaz...but i feeL dat dis kinda stuffs...hmm...reaLLy i shaLL not bLog bout dat.... aniway...ceLebrating father's day nx wk...hahaz...the usual lunch fare i guess...wanted to go zoo today but the weather's been pLaying a trick on me...LoLz...somemore my father finds it too troubLesome...n it aint convenient for him to traveL dat much too... Aniway...i wana apologise for the perfume incident...LoLz..wiLL b more sparing wif it next time...:p weLL...i had a great time aniway n wasnt worries!...:) Mudder...yer bday is comming Le...wat pressie u wan huh?...dun teL me the moon or stars hor...cannot pLuck for u...otherwise...anything reasonabLe wouLd b put into serious consideration...PC in-reading wana share?... Dat time ask bout the PC gathering...i guess u aLL aint interested huh? sad..LoLz...aniway...if u aLL gt the mood den Lemme noe...i can do the organising anitime...:) pLeasure... I've had some frenship probs wif another smaLL grp of frens...hmm...its been bugging mi...i guess there isnt much way to resolve?...its a wunder hoe someone can move on wif their Lives juz Lidat den forget bout their frenz...sigh!... Y am i aLways pLague wif frenship prob?...isnt frenships aLL about simpLe and pLatonic? i aLways the cause of the it directLy or indirectLy?...shouLd i do some refLection? i doing enough?...shouLd i not bother bout some stuffs?... tired of thinking...i need a shouLder to Lean on...23 yrs of Living...i'm reaLLy kinda tired Le...(no...I wun attempt suicide if dats wat u r thinking...LoLz..) I guess as we age...Living becomes more difficuLt n monotonous...frens get lesser...u r stick to a partner...u becomes cLoser with the partner...den quarreLs become inevitabLe...and in some cases...divorce and den u r aLL aLone again.. I'm nt sure y my views r aLways so pessimistic...i do beLieve in miracLes...its juz dat nt everyone is so Lucky...and i aint one Lucky FeLLa unLike Ms XXX...hahaz... Add in aLL the bad stuffs dats aLways happening...(there r aLways more bad stuffs happening den good...dun u tink?)...and dat becomes mi...LoLz...LiL Mr Depressed-Boring-Insensitive-TactLess-bad-Habits Prince... Hahaz...i tink the List can go on de...but i shaLLnt make myseLf sound tiLL dat bad... I guess wen i wake up tmL...aLL wiLL be new...n fresh (mayb not since Monday BLues wiLL kick in...LoLz...and the prob wiLL stiLL Linger) But for now...i'm juz gonna go back to the LiL corner of my some reflections..listen to some songs n get aLL emo again...:) Thank you aLL for reading (Listening) to my probs and haggLes...Have a great week ahead! CasaNova's TeaRs, 2000 Hours Squall Leonheart... |