Final Fantasy-
Why do people depend on each other?
In the end you're on your own
I'm fine by myself now
I have all the skills I need to survive
I'm not a child anymore ..
That's a lie
I don't know anything
I'm confused
I don't want to depend on anyone
How can i do that ?
Someone tell me .. Someone?
So i'll end up depending on other after all .
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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Ryan Cabrera - True

I won't taLk
I won't breathe
I won't move tiLL you finaLLy see
That you beLong with me

You might think
I don't Look
But deep inside in the corner of my mind
I'm attached to you

I'm weak
It's true
Cause I'm afraid to know the answer
Do you want me too?
Cause my heart keeps faLLing faster

I've waited aLL my Life to cross this Line
To the onLy thing that's true
So I wiLL not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
aLL my Life I've waited
This is true

You don't know
What you do
Everytime you waLk into the room
I'm afraid to move

I'm weak
It's true
I'm just scared to know the ending
Do you see me too?
Do you even know you meant me!

I've waited aLL my Life to cross this Line
To the onLy thing that's true
So I wiLL not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
aLL my Life I've waited
This is true

I know when I go
I'LL be on my way to you
The way that's true

I've waited aLL my Life to cross this Line
To the onLy thing that's true
So I wiLL not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
aLL my Life I've waited
This is true

"Dear bLog,

I apoLogise for not feeding you with the Latest gossips in my current Life for the past week. I promise (ok ok..i'LL try to!) that i'LL not negLect you so often in future.

Yours FaithfuLLy,
CasaNova's TeaRs"

There...that's beta...i do owe an apoLogy to my bLog and aLL in-reading for nt bLogging for the past week...there's juz no motivation and inspiration....LoLz...There isn't much to bLog about Last week anyway...hahaz...

I do beLieve that bLogging requires some inspiration...its Like writing a song or a poem...u need to conceptuaLise the whoLe thing...

Hmm...i aint gona bLog much for this entry...coz i stiLL dun hav much inspiration...mayb more at night wen aLL is quiet...

Night times r aLways the best time to do is afteraLL the end of the day and u can think thru aLL the things done today...wat has been done?...what goes wrong?...whether the right thing was done?...

Besides...aLL is distractions...

New song embedded...hmm...dun read too much into the Lyrics...:Pp

To aLL PC in-reading, shaLL we organize a PC gathering for SH and AT's B-day? if aLL is alrite with it...i'LL make the necessary arrangements...( i'm the organizer...LoL) shaLL be set on this week or next week...confirm your decisions~

Its been a Long time since we go K together Le....miss the funness and the highness...LoLz...

Ok...a bit on myseLf now (that's what u guys r here for hear my juicy gossips)

HighLight of the week 1

Mayb nt much of a hoo haa to you...but it is to me...
I was Late for work one day...but guess wat time i woke up?....805 am!...LoLz...its the 1st time of such lateness in 6 months (yea...i've been working for 6 months Le...dun remind mi..i'LL touch on dat in a whiLe)...weLL...i managed to reach office and clocked in @ 901 am...

I am amazed...considering dat i'm such a mo guy...LoLz...stiLL...i chided myseLf for being such a pig!...n the cab fare was....gosh...$20..LoLz...(ERP charges juz nv seemed to go down...tsk tsk)

HighLight of the week 2

This one...hmm...everyone sorta noe aLready...bad things juz traveL fast...LoLz...Ms so and so caLLed mi...hahaz...wonder hoe she gt my no.
Aniway...dat was the onLy time she more after dat (or at Least i hope not for the rest of the yr)...LoLz...

Not that i do nt want to tok to her...but i feeL she's up to no good...LoLz...

Ok...gonna pen off le (or rather key off)...more bout my tots on my job Life Later...(that is if I'm motivated n free enough...LoLz)

Sign off,

CasaNova's TeaRs
1555 Hours

Squall Leonheart...

*3:10 PM .