My personaLity ResuLt - ![]() Previous Posts
Sunday, July 15, 2007 Hi...
Its bLogging time again... Hmm...tot i hav some time b4 gg i should do some updates....:) Gonna ceLebrate mudder's b day Later...hope she'LL Like wat we pLanned...nothing fancifuL...juz a simpLe dinner...but dat alone can b as fuLfiLLing as a grand dinner...i hope...hahaz... i'm not gonna explain why onli aunty and mi is invited...i tink Let the queen do it herseLf beta...hahaz...sometimes...explaining more juz wouLd make the matter Looked worse... Hmm...the trip's been cfmed...wif everything more or Less settled?...or mayb nt?...hahaz...there's so much dat i stiLL need to do...hahaz...i beta plan my To-do List and everything excited!...Like a chiLd Lidat...:P Ceb...reaLLie wana say a big thank you again...thanks for aLL the effort! time giv u a hug!...:) I had a big tiff wif my sis on friday...she's getting more and more unreasonabLe... gosh...i seLdom throw temper at wen i throw reaLLie means i'm reaLLie upset... She's getting frm bad to worse....sigh...Long stoy...everything aLways had to begin wif her new bf...if onLi i couLd turn back time... There are a Lot of things that we do on impulse and den regret wen we Looked back... "Y haven i done it this way?"... "Why do i have to react in this way?"... "Why didn't i be more proactive"... "Why didn't i c it coming?"... "Why do i let my heart take over my brain sometimes?"... a Lot of whys but no ans... Esp the Last sentence...sometimes going wif yer heart makes u very impuLsive... impuLsive = no LogicaL thinking...acts of fooLishness, seLfishness often foLLows... I guess there's no right or wrong to it for some instances... Or is there?...*Wonders and Ponders* 自由不变 - 林俊杰 不变不动不转的世界 刹那瞬息片刻永远.. 用全心记住你的脸 来来回回千万遍 突然领悟你是如何爱我 一直习惯简单的随心的 放任的自由 不喜欢冻结的酒 不愠不火日复一日无聊的生活 沉默的了解的是你的温柔 不管我错了对了 因为你说那就是我 我一直习惯简单的随心的 wo~wo~~ yeah`` 那就是我.. Big GirLs Don't Cry - Fergie La da da da da The smeLL of your skin Lingers on me now Your probabLy on your fLight back to your home town I need some sheLter of my own protection baby To be with myself and center, cLarity Peace, Serenity [CHORUS] I hope you know, I hope you know That this has nothing to do with you It's personaL, MyseLf and I We've got some straightenin' out to do And I'm gonna miss you Like a chiLd misses their bLanket But I've got to get a move on with my Life It's time to be a big girL now And big girLs don't cry Don't cry Don't cry Don't cry The path that I'm waLking I must go aLone I must take the baby steps untiL I'm fuLL grown FairytaLes don't aLways have a happy ending, do they And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay [CHORUS] I hope you know, I hope you know That this has nothing to do with you It's personaL, MyseLf and I We've got some straightenin' out to do And I'm gonna miss you Like a chiLd misses their bLanket But I've got to get a move on with my Life It's time to be a big girL now And big girLs don't cry Like the LittLe schooL mate in the schooL yard We'LL pLay jacks and uno cards I'LL be your best friend and you'LL be mine VaLentine Yes you can hoLd my hand if u want to Cause I want to hoLd yours too We'LL be pLaymates and Lovers and share our secret worLds But it's time for me to go home It's getting Late, dark outside I need to be with myseLf and center, cLarity Peace, Serenity [CHORUS] I hope you know, I hope you know That this has nothing to do with you It's personaL, MyseLf and I We've got some straightenin' out to do And I'm gonna miss you Like a chiLd misses their bLanket But I've got to get a move on with my Life It's time to be a big girL now And big girLs don't cry Don't cry Don't cry Don't cry La Da Da Da Da Da "The siLence of a distant figure breathes coLdness into the heart of an aching souL..." (Originated from me!...:P) CasaNova's TeaRs, 1530 Hours Squall Leonheart... |