My personaLity ResuLt - ![]() Previous Posts
Tuesday, July 31, 2007 Hi there...
Oh...dis is gonna be my 25th post...LoLz... 1/4 mark to my 100th post....hahaz.... Tot i shouLd hav bLogged ytd...but my sis was at home...LoLz...oh weLL... well...apparentLy...she doesn't noes dat i hav a bLog...untiL ytd dat is... hahaz...but i stiLL refused to teLL her my bLog addy... I'm nt sure y...guess i juz dun wan her to noe dat i'm actuaLLy dat troubLed sometimes...she has gt enuff probs of her own...:) kick things off... i went to catch a movie Last sat...Vacancy...hmm..its nt dat fantastic considering the fact dat i was scared by some scenes (in case u duno...i've been afraid of watching horror n thriLLer shows since young...LoLz) and pretty disturbed by some too... Rating: 2.8 out of 5 stars....hahaz... company is under going some very Lame cost restructuring shit... My dept...there's dis new ger...she's gonna Leave soon and they r nt gonna find repLacement...hoe bad is dat...some of her stuffs r pushed to my aLready overloaded work burden...LoLz... ApparentLy...the company wants us to be more cost effective from noe on....get a Life!...hahaz... And then there's this buyer who's gonna Leave soon...aLready went for severaL interviews openLy...even my manager noes...hahaz..power... Mi?...i do hav pLans on Leaving too...hahaz...the workLoad's getting heavier...i juz mite Leave if i cannot take it any Longer...hahaz... there's gonna be minor saLary adjustment for some of us soon...i wunder wouLd it be mi...its juz a smaLL amt...tink Less den $50?...den i've dis coLLeague who says he bu xi han dis smaLL increment...hahaz...den i was Like...u dun wan den gimme yer share Loz...LoLz... Jie...i just feeL dat u shouLd go out and c hoe other companies functions 1st...dun let emotions ruLe yer mind...tink LogicaLLy...its good to go out and Learn more...u wun get the chance once u r oLder Loz...:) However...the uLtimate decision stiLL Lies with you ba...i'LL support yer decision... Aniway...good luck in yer fri's interview!...pLs prepare though...its gd to be prepared...:)...afteraLL...if u reaLLie wan hav to fight for it and put in a LiL more effort.... i'm reaLLie excited bout the HK trip! i'm reaLLie worried bout the HK trip! hahaz...wats gonna happen?...wiLL it be fun?...wat shouLd i bring?...wiLL i forget anything?...LoLz... so much stuffs to do...i'm gonna read up more on HK dis weekend to be beta prepared!!! i come!...LoLz... Much anticipated...not sure hoe the rest feeL...tink ceb muz b bored of it aLready...LoLz...HK so many times.... Ceb...i've read yer bLog....Like i say...i've always been enLightened by your entry...its reaLLie disheartening to noe dat u r cLosing it... Thru your postings... You've taught me very important lessons in life... You've made me reaLized of the bLessings i hav in life... You've made me appreciate some things dat i nv wouLd hav thought of otherwise... You've shown me how to be a friend... Thank you for aLL the might not hav reaLize but it has reaLLie created an impact in my heart.... And yer Last entry in regards to a 6-yr-oLd being toLd of the Loss of Loved ones reaLLie saddening... I guess i wouLdn't noe hoe he wouLd feeL but if i myseLf aLready feeL so sadden...he muz hav been pretty traumatized and heart wrenched.... My heart reaLLie goes aLL out to him.... FeeLings r reaLLie a strange reaction i guess....i've nv seen this LiL boy b4....and yet i feeL so much for him.... Dis song hoe it wouLd actuaLLy describe my feeLings now... PLay the song again...and read the meaningfuL lyrics as the song goes aLong... HopefuLLy after dis wouLd Learn to cherish more of who's ard you rite now and count yr bLessings...its quite touching...enjoy...:~) Tamyra Gray - Dance with my Father (OriginaL singer: Luther Vandross but i prefer Tamyra Gray's version...:P) Back when I was a chiLd, before Life removed aLL the innocence My father would Lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then Spin me around 'tiLL I feLL asLeep Then up the stairs he wouLd carry me And I knew for sure I was Loved If I couLd get another chance, another waLk, another dance with him I'd pLay a song that would never, ever end How I'd Love, Love, Love To dance with my father again When I and my mother wouLd disagree To get my way, I wouLd run from her to him He'd make me Laugh just to comfort me Then finaLLy make me do just what my mother said Later that night when I was asLeep He Left a dollar under my sheet Never dreamed that he wouLd be gone from me If I couLd steal one finaL gLance, one finaL step, one finaL dance with him I'd pLay a song that wouLd never, ever end 'Cause I'd Love, Love, Love To dance with my father again (Sometimes I'd Listen outside her door And I'd hear how my mother cried for him I pray for her even more than me I pray for her even more than me I know I'm praying for much too much But couLd you send back the onLy man she Loved I know you don't do it usuaLLy But dear Lord she's dying To dance with my father again Every night I faLL asleep and this is aLL I ever dream) CasaNova's TeaRs, 0115 Hours Squall Leonheart... |