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Monday, August 6, 2007 Hi aLL...
Time to sum up dis wk yet again...:) Its been a pretty good week....super hectic wif 2 atriums coming up...but i guess its reaLLie gd to b bz...hahaz FeeLing pretty good...hmm...bcuz...hahaz...something nice happen...bLeahz...try asking mi more times n i mite juz teLL u...hahaz... aLso...HK is juz 3 days away from mi...Yippee!...hahaz... Behaving Like a kid.... which brings mi to an incident i encountered today... I was at the bank today (NeedLess to say...onLi 1 bank is opened on Sun)...wanted to deposit cash and changed my i was sitting at a corner waiting 4 my new passbook to b ready.... Next to mi...there was dis family wif a child...bout 4 yrs old...she's pLaying wif a baLLoon courtesy of the bank... Then suddenLy dat baLLoon expLoded...but the LiL ger juz smiLed embarassLy(is there such a word?...HeLL! i dun tink so...hahaz) The funni tink is dat...a LiL boy (bout the same age too) at the counter was scared out of his wits and started crying...(everyone was Like started smiLing) Then he started compLaining to his dad dat he's scared out of his wits, he's scared, etc (he reaLLie did said dat...i'm pretty amazed by his command of was pretty cLear even though he was sorta slurring in his waiLings) Then the most funni tink happen...the ambassador over there offered this LiL boy a LoLLy Candy...then he put up his hand (Like a stop hand signal) defensiveLy said:" NO!...i dun wan anything from you!" Hahaz...den everyone in the bank was Like Luffing (myseLf included) by now....was reaLLie a candid moment....stiLL brings a smiLe to my face noe....aww... Ahhhh!....The innocence of a chiLd...nothing can ever beat dat....hahazz OK!...back to my Life!...hahaz...some updates dis month.... Bossini ESS saLe...hahaz...(though i tink no 1 wiLL b interested...but gd to noe Lahz)...tink the start date is 21st aug... Some insiders tips: Look out for Bossini's FaLL/WinTer CoLLecTion 2007....some Ladies grey skinny and slim fit jeans wiLL b featured....(cutting'LL hav to judge for yerseLf...:P) pLus some vests (read jiu shen yi...:P)...esp the satin one...pretty cooL...Limited stocks Look out for dat too... and Bossini's undergoing rebranding soon too...gonna target the younger aundience...wunder if it'LL work...LoLz... Ok...back to mi...another trip coming up in Aug's bonding event @ Desaru....pretty Lame...waste resource waste time...hahaz... oh weLL...since its been paid for...mite as weLL...hahaz... Hmm...i haven packed my Lugguage for the HK trip and here i am bLogging...i reaLLie deserve a nag...i juz so Lazy n sLow!!...:P YuLi Jie was teLLing mi dat we'LL be spending haLf a day in a shop in HK coz i'LL b so sLow and choosy aand difficuLt as a cust...hahaz...i hav to agree...earning my money is nt easy...i beLieve in making every cent aint easy to come by...or so i've Learnt... aLrite...not gonna get aLL emo wif dis entry (for once!...haa!)...signing of coz my eyes r Like haLf cLose aLready...:P My current favourite song of the moment.... 阿沁 - 其实还爱你 我讨厌 阴天的风 冷得那么刺痛 只有你 能够抚平所有的寂寞 昨天的风筝在角落 被谁丢到了路口 我很不想让你 找到离开的理由 每一夜 闭上眼睛 我看到了恶梦 你微笑 但是旁边的人不是我 天空切开一道裂缝 直接割到我心中 不想装作脆弱 也不想爱得懦弱 只是我非常爱你 不想失去你 难道我没有权利 说我不愿意 你给了他的吻 虽然只有余温 可知道我多渴望抓住你的心 我知道他很爱你 你怕他伤心 我每天假装开心 害怕你离去 可不可以任性 求求你不要去 藏在我心里 最后一句 其实还爱你 每一夜 闭上眼睛 我看到了恶梦 你微笑 但是旁边的人不是我 天空切开一道裂缝 直接割到我心中 不想装作脆弱 也不想爱得懦弱 只是我非常爱你 不想失去你 难道我没有权利 说我不愿意 HO-OH 你给了他的吻 虽然只有余温 可知道我多渴望抓住 你的心 我知道他很爱你 你怕他伤心 我每天假装开心 害怕你离去 可不可以任性 求求你不要去 藏在我心里 最后一句 其实还爱你 可不可以任性 求求你不要去 藏在我心里 最后一句 其实还爱你 CasaNova's TeaRs, 0130 Hours Squall Leonheart... |