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Monday, August 13, 2007 Spice GirLs - Goodbye
No no no no... No no no no... Listen Little chiLd There will come a day When you wiLL be abLe, abLe to say Never mind the pain, aLL the aggravation You know there's a better way For you and me to be Look for the rainbow in every storm FLy Like an angeL heaven sent to me Goodbye my friend... (I know you're gone, you said you're gone but I can stiLL feeL you here) It's not the end... (You gotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear) So gLad we made it, time wiLL never change it No no no no... Just a LittLe girl, big imagination Never Letting no one take it away Went into the worLd, what a reveLation She found there's a better way for you and me to be Look for the rainbow in every storm Find out for certain Love's gonna be there for you You'LL always be someone's baby Goodbye my friend... (I know you're gone, you said you're gone but I can stiLL feeL you here) It's not the end... (You gotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear) So gLad we made it, time wiLL never change it No no no no... (You know it's time to say goodbye) No no no no... The times when we wouLd play about The way we used to scream and shout We never dreamed you'd go your own sweet way Look for the rainbow in every storm Find out for certain Love's gonna be there for you You'LL always be someone's baby Goodbye my friend (I know you're gone, you said you're gone but I can stiLL feeL you here) It's not the end (You gotta keep it strong before the pain turns into fear) So gLad we made it, time wiLL never never ever change it No no no no... (You know it's time to say goodbye) No no no no... (And don't forget you can reLy) No no no no (You know it's time to say goodbye and don't forget on me you can rely) No no no no (I wiLL heLp, heLp you on your way) No no no no (I wiLL be with you every day) No no no no... I've read ceb's, jie's n mudder's bLog on their tots for Precious cLique and i tot i shLd express my tots too... Goodbyes r aLways hard to say...I'm nt saying goodbye to any of my dear frenz in PC but rather PC she cai you de, you de bi you shi... Its been a Long running 6/7 yrs since the formation of our PC gathering... i stiLL remembered the 1st meet was one of the X'mas...the very 1st X'mas since cai left our group... the time i was teased @ for wearing two tees...LoLz...such fond memories... i wiLL nv forget each moment and time we spent together... Every birthday gatherings, every highness of our numerous KTV sessions, the late night suppers, the rides home, the jokes we giggLe about, the chatterbox sessions in msn, KL's No. 1 pai hang bang, the misunderstandings, the tai-tai party, everything! it has reallie been an eventfuL relationship that we shared... Judging from the way things r noe...i wouLd say it's pretty impossibLe to get back to the gd oLd times... I guess there's a time for everything to take a move on and i tink the time has come for PC to do so...sad and disheartening but this r juz the way things r... Who knows mayb in yrs to come...we mite miss one another's companion again and caLL up another meet up...Like i say...anything is aLways possibLe in Life... But for now...this chapter of our Lives is cLosed... I do hope that u guys wiLL cherish aLL the fun and memories dat we had Like i do... coming to this far hadnt been easy... Thru PC...i've come to reaLize a Lot of things...i hav been taught a Lot of things too...To everyone in PC who has taught me, touched me, made an impact on me in one way or another....i Like to say thank you... Words can nv fuLLy describe one's feeLing...and dis is hoe i feeL rite now... As i Looked out of my window now staring into the siLence of the night, caLmness and traquiLity is aLL that i frustrations anymore... As i cLoses dis chapter of my Life, i'm Looking back @ aLL the flash backs wif a warm smiLe on my face and dat fuzzy famiLiar feeLing in my heart....nothing sad and teary... perhaps...i've reaLized dat some things r beta off if they actuaLLy end...wats impt is the process and the journey but not the outcome and destination... Memories that wiLL stay in my heart tiLL the day i forgo my Last breath... Like Ceb mentioned in her ups r not necessary...wats more impt is dat we wiLL aLways have a speciaL pLace in our hearts for everyone...dat aLone is comforting enough...:) As we go on We remember aLL the times we had together And as our Lives changed From whatever We wiLL stiLL be Friends Forever *Chapter cLosed and kept in that speciaL corner of my heart* CasaNova's TeaRs, 0115 Hours P.S.: Ceb, i remembered dat poem bout the vanished fren, you had it typed on our cLass's teLephone List and i'LL read it everytime i reference that List...:) Hope you'LL start a new bLog reaL soon... Squall Leonheart... |