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Sunday, September 30, 2007 Hi aLL...
I know!...i've nt been bLogging..coz i'm busy!...nah dats juz an excuse...i've been Lazy...hahaz.. I've decided to give my bLog a'LL b caLLed speciaL reason Lahz...juz coz i feeL Like it?... Dear JabJab, Met up wif Ceb and the rest today...we had dim sum breakfast at Hong Xing...weLL..nt too bad Lahz..hahaz...though HK ones r still pretty much beta n cheaper...:Pp Ceb baked some macaroons (its a kinda dessert dat Gobi @ CentraL seLLs too) for us was very nice...thumbs and bakery standards again...much anticipated appLe crumbLe coming our way!..Tks Nanny! Love you to Lots!...hahaz.. went to Chinatown to gia gia a bit after usual...the tai tais bought a Lot of stuffs (ok Lahz...nt a Lot aLso...hahaz) Today ahz...hmm..ok ok Loz...the day started out pretty fun..but ended normaL...nothing much to mention too.. Quote: "I suppose the dictionary has got it aLL wrong .. watz happiness with juz i and not U with me?" from one of my fren's bLog... its a pretty true sentence...and i find deep meaning in it.. With one person...there can nv b true happiness...there'LL onLi b LoneLiness... With 2 or it Lovers, Frenz, FamiLy...a speciaL Bond and FeeLings r created and happiness resuLts... Saturday 29/09/2007...Midnight... --------------------------------------------------------- Dear JabJab, Good day to u! As usuaL...i feLL asLeep bLogging haLfway ytd...was kinda tired...or Lazy...hahaz.. today's scheduLe gonna b hair cut in the evening...other den dat...its much of a Rest and Relax day... i was taLking and preaching about Happiness ytd...*sounds Like i'm a phiLosopher (Zhe Xue Jia)* weLL...a Lot of reaLLie takes two hands to cLap.. if one party is wiLLing and giving but the party is nonchaLant..there can nv b happiness too... so it aLL boiLs down to being at the right pLace, at the right time with the right person/peopLe and the right atmosphere... Does Happiness comes by itseLf? or do we hav to pursue and create them ourseLves? I guess it reaLLie depends on situation...Luck and Life too...some peopLe..they juz hav the Life and Happiness will juz come to them...a bLessed Life or so they caLLed.. some juz hav to work very hard in order to attain dat LiL evasive Happiness..but even so...they r contented.. I'm sort of somewhere in the middLe i tink..some good things juz came to mi naturaLLy...whiLe others have to b fought hard for... wat about u?..hav u ever tot of ur own happiness?? r u reaLLie happy? do u Lead a fuLfiLLing Life? its nt reaLLie hard to reaLize a LiL Happiness actuaLLy...sometimes...its nt a Lot of money, successfuL career, big house, high end Luxurious goods dat matters (Not dat they dun to hav of coz) its sometimes the LiL tinks, the LiL gesture, the peopLe ard us that we have often overLooked that reaLLie brings us that smaLL amt of Happiness.. Take for exampLe...Reaching home after a Long day work and greeted by the Fragrance of home-cooked food prepared by yer that's happinesss.. a beary hug from a LOved one, a Long Lost that's happiness... Helping a Lost chiLd find back their parents in a crowded shopping centre..seeing the relieve and smiLes aLL over them wen they that's happiness... sometimes...its reaLLie juz the smaLL tinks... if onLi i wouLd reaLize and be aware of each and every of these LiL tinks every day...mayb i'LL Live Happier everyday and b Happier...just mayb... 陈伟联 - I Love You I Love you 所以只能说声对不起 任何藉口都没有 I Love you 已来不及好好去珍惜 后悔很多 不该让你无辜流下失措的泪 心碎认识你陌生的世界 空气中回荡的笑语早已经断绝 多想能在和你梦里爱多一次 很沉重看你走着每一步 它应该是幸福的路 狠心推开你 像你离得无反顾 你身上纹着我给你的笑 对我绝美的惩罚 想问已无法 原来曾经拥有过 还比失去痛苦 I Love you 对你的挚爱从不曾改变 要你快乐 I Love you 好想对你说却来不及 后悔已太多 不该让你无辜流下失措的泪 心碎认识你陌生的世界 空气中回荡的笑语早已经断绝 多想能在和你梦里爱多一次 很沉重看你走着每一步 它应该是幸福的路 狠心推开你 是挽不回的错误 你心上纹着我给你的笑 对我绝美的惩罚 想问我无法 原来曾经拥有过 远比失去痛苦 我身上永远烙着你的笑 那么绝美的惩罚 想问我无法 原来曾经拥有过 还比失去痛苦 (I Do not Like 陈伟联 but surprisingLy, I Love this song) CasaNova's Tears, 1500 Hours Squall Leonheart... |