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Friday, August 24, 2007 Hi aLL...
I've Loved dis song aLL aLong...its one of the sound tracks from phantom of the opera~ I'm working from home for today!...Yay!...LoLz... The reason?...I've suffered 2nd deg burn on my Left thighs with bListers (I know i shLd hav bLogged dis days ago!) and i cant do physicaL activities... You see...My company's having a company event ytd noon and whoLe of today at m'sia Desaru...physicaL activities...hence i am sorta excused...and since no one wouLd b in the from home... i've wanted so much to actuaLLy avoid dis event but ironicaLLy...i feeL kinda sad to be Left out now...hahaz...siLLy mi... Aniway...Let mi teLL u more bout the stupid freak incident which happened on tuesday...22nd Aug... I was having Lunch @ Anchorpoint's Food MaLL...ordered Yong Tau Foo (when my heart is actuaLLy @ the very deLicious Bak Chor Mee) as most of my coLLeagues were having dat....(peer infLuence anione?) so...i was the Last to arrive at the tabLes and had to share wif 2 other colleagues a smaLL square table... i was sorta pressing down the tabLe (not very hard though) wen i was bout to sit down and the tabLe sorta gave way.... The whoLe bowL of steaming soup was on my Laps in seconds...and u noe the funni tink is dat the 1st tot dat came to my mind was not pain was embarrassment!! was onLi wen the pain came dat i ran to the toiLet to take off the pants!...Lucky i was wearing jeans...if nt the burn couLd hav been worse.... Then there was dis very nice guy @ the next tabLe who came to my help faster den my coLLeagues and rushed mi to the was onLi in the toiLet dat i knew he was a doc and trying to heLp!... He was being so nice and aLL but i actuaLLy ignored him aLL the way..hahaz...cannot think wen i'm in pain...LoLz...feeL apoLogetic towards dat doc... coLLeagues went to get mi a pair of very ah cek shorts and den we were off to a nearby cLinic....the rest i tink is history....hahaz... I attributed this incident to three things... 1. The very unstabLe tabLe with missing Leg paddings @ one of the Legs already... 2. The bowL which was used to contain the yong tau foo (it is the kind which has a very narrow bottom and a very wide top and is very taLL de) 3. My cLumsiness!!!...hahaz oh...i was diagnosed wif a second degree burn these are the sustained injuries... *cLick on the Links to view* The injury The bLister ApoLogies for the bLur pictures as it was courtesy of my 2MP onLy camera hp... I'm currentLy nursing two bListers right now though.... weLL...despite the injuries...i stiLL managed to attend Aunty SY's b day celebration on the same day...she is SY ma...of coz hav to go...LoLz... weLL...we had a Lot of fun as usuaL...a Lot of photo-takings with us trying to match up SH and KL as was a simpLe ceLebration over a ma La steamboat @ chong qing's (it wasnt very hot at aLL in spite of us ordering medium hotness for the soup base)...the food's good and the pricing is ok...stiLL kinda worth Loz...bout 14 per pax incLuding drink... wiLL upLoad some pics wen SY send us the pics (dat is if i'm nt too Lazie to do so :P)... going out wif XH and SY is aLways is a diff kind of fun wen going out with YL and CB... wif XH and is a Luff-tiLL-u-drop kinda fun bcuz XH is aLways infectious wif her Madwoman Luffter and SY her funny antics...hahaz... wif YL and is a famiLiar-oLd-fren kinda fun with aLways a Lot of new jokes revoLving ard and abt us...hahaz... Both grps r 2 different kinda fun and can nv b compared...I juz Love the companions of both! Its been my pLeasure having u guys ard!...nv faiLs to brighten m day...nt sure hoe u guys feeL though... Managed to dig dis watch them and Luff at the siLLiness...LoLz... Tai-tai party Part 1 Tai-tai party Part 2 aLrite...Luff aLL u wan...hahaz...coz i'm Luffing now!... K..back to work now i guess...i'm supposed to be "working frm home" afteraLL...hahaz CasaNova's TeaRs, 1230Hours Squall Leonheart... |