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Saturday, November 10, 2007 周杰伦 - 最长的电影
我们的开始 是很长的电影 放映了三年 我票都还留着 冰上的芭蕾 脑海中还在旋转 望着你慢慢忘记你 朦胧的时间 我们溜了多远 冰刀划的圈 圈起了谁改变 如果再重来 会不会稍嫌狼狈 爱是不是不开口才珍贵 再给我两分钟 让我把记忆结成冰 别融化了眼泪 你妆都花了要我怎么记得 记得你叫我忘了吧 记得你叫我忘了吧 你说你会哭 不是因为在乎 ( I Love this song! reminds mi of 白色风车..the way the tunes come together r quite sad!..蒲公英的约定...another great track..Love the whoLe aLbum!) Hi aLL... Hmm...its time for my fortnightLy entry again...:) I've reaLized dat my weekLy entry has been reduced to a fortnightLy entry..Laziness.. Hahaz..weLL...i wunder if it might be further reduced to a monthLy thing?..Hmm..we'll c abt dat..since i dun tink much ppl visit dis page aniway..LoLz.. WeLL..dis week...has been normaL i guess...Nothing much to hooha about.. oh...i happen to c dis video which a fren to mine showed mi...hahaz..reminds mi of my earLier KTV days with the PC...the highness~...its pretty funni...hav a Look... Funni eh?...Dramatic ppL..LoLz.. Hmm..i'm going to Jay Chou's concert!..FinaLLy..hahaz..after 3 yrs..he's back..miss him so much..Hav been practising his new songs super hard now...Muz b ready by Jan..:)...juz cant contain my excitement.. weLL..dis concert..i'm gg wif Ceb and YuLi as promised..i haven broke my promise ya?..;) Hmm...i guess mayb dats the onLi positive news i had this week... eLse where...there's been Lots of sad news ard...particuLarLy with the death of cLosed ones..(not my side though..fren's) DeaLing and Coping with the passing on of a Loved one has nv been easy...and nv wiLL b..grief is definiteLy a stage..a channeL of reLease...Like i is aLways to cry out Loud and grief..hiding it in the heart is definiteLy bad... Y am i touching on the death topic?..I reaLLie dun wan to..the heart-wrenching pain is reaLLie too much to bear...i shaLL cLose dis topic and start another... Hmm...i went to watch stardust on DeepavaLi...its a great fantasy movie! thumbs up!..Depicts abt a guy faLLing in Love for a ger...and to win her heart...he's gg to cross the border to catch a faLLen star for her..den dis faLLen star is actuaLLy another ger from the star gaLaxy..dis guy managed to find her and they both feLL in Love with each other on the way back to his viLLage to win the other ger's heart, overcoming Lots of obstacLes and fending off eviL dat wans to capture the faLLen star too... Very nice sound and visuaL effects with some humour here and there..good movie pLot with a very good ending too...a very vaLue for money movie!...Go catch it before it ends. Rating: 4 stars out of 5 aLrite...dis yr's x'mas dinner wiLL b organised by mi...i tink its time for the PC to mit up...its been rather Long ya?... come or not to come is reaLLie up to u guys...cant force u...i can onLi invite..the rest is up to u guys.. Date shouLd be on the 24th or 25th...u guys can vote..timing wise..dinner evening time i guess... Dis time..the dining pLace is gonna b romantic...i hav a pLace in mind aLready... check out dis webbie... it has a romantic is nice according to reviews...a bit exp though.. i'LL check out the website or restaurant again to c if they've gt ani x'mas dinner promo and hoe much wouLd it b... HopefuLLy none of u hav been there dat it'LL b something new..hmm..i tink they do hav Live band?...and yes...they hav an extensive collection of wine n mayb we can order some too?..hahaz.. Ok...dats the pLan for x'mas dis yr...hopefuLLy response wouLd b gd (then again i doubt so since i'm the organiser..LoL)..:) weLL...we'LL c hoe things go... aLrite...Lazy to go on aLready...:Pp..i'LL try to bLog tmL too..:) Take Care aLL and B bLessed.. CasaNova's TeaRs, 0100 Hours Squall Leonheart... |