My personaLity ResuLt - ![]() Previous Posts
Thursday, December 6, 2007 Hi aLL,
I've not bLogged for with re-service in camp and after that..cLearing of my backLog @ work... Re-service was tough with aLL the mountain-chionging (if you know wat i mean), but the nice thing is that..caught up with some oLd frenz (who weren't cLose @ aLL in the past) and made some new ones This few days (and weeks ahead)...expect showers after thunderstorms and showers yet again..take care paLs, its coLd out there... I've been Lying on my bed for a few mins thinking of the things i'm gonna bLog next and re-organising my tots...but i tot i wouLd think beta as a bLog aLong... This is to the PC members in-reading: I'm nt sure hoe to bring about this. I tot i hav moved on...but apparentLy I haven. ReaLLie do not want to giv up on u guys and dis frenship. Do you guys reaLLie want to? Ten yrs of frenship is not easy to build. Does it reaLLie meant nothing to you peopLe? We keep saying that we have tried our best to saLvage dis frenship, but hav we reaLLie? Think again. After aLL that has happened, hav we ever made an effort to actuaLLy sit down and taLked our hearts out? Y do we keep avoiding wen there's a gathering organised? Is this reaLLie what we caLL we have tried? I have reaLized that our frenship is more based on a Lot of fun rather den reaLLie understanding each other. Of aLL our gatherings, which one was actuaLLy one in which we sat down and bare our hearts out? We r in serious need of communication, it doesnt works if onLi one is trying, everyone of us pLays a part. We hav to b frank and direct sometimes, speak out hoe we reaLLie feeL bout certain things. Everybody's in the wrong...I feeL dat sometimes we care too much about each other's much so that it has become unnaturaL... It has aLready been cLosed to a yr...i guess aLL of you shouLd be more or Less prepared to meet each other again...i reaLLie am not sure what is holding aLL of you back... I've been thinking back...of aLL the frenships i Have forged...the most i treasured is reaLLie the PC (other den Mr XXX)...i'm nt saying dis bccoz i wana saLvage everything back...but bcoz i reaLLie meant it... I used to be cLosed to Jie..we wouLd share with me aLL her secrets..and they r aLL aLays weLL-kept..I guess NS has reaLLie drifted us apart..i sort of neglected her due to my NS liabilities..its nobody's fauLt..and den dis incident...has worsen her impression of mi i guess... I used to think that I am quite cLose to Ceb...I aLways feeL dat as Long as we can feel each other's is more den enuff even if we seLdom taLk...den i started reading her bLog and reaLized dat things aint aLways the way i assume...hoe i feel may not be hoe she feeLs... I used to think that mudder, mi and jie wouLd nv faLL matter hoe bad things r...we r stiL a famiLy..mudder and mi has aLways been cLosd too...but somehoe due to dis incident..we sort of drifted a bit too? I can reaLLie b a bLockhead at sometimes i reaLLie need a LiL feedback, a LiL guidance, a LiL teLL-me-hoe-u-feeL... I know i have done LittLe for dis frenship...but i reaLLie am trying...sometimes i juz duno hoe to go about doing is reaLLie hard wen we do not know what is everyone's thinking... Isnt frens aLL about compromising? even if a fren's bad pt irks us, we would stiLL Let it go?..juz bcoz we r reaLLie frenz, and compromising each other's bad pt is li suo dang ran... In the midst of aLL dis, hav we aLL forgotten hoe we sometimes compLement each other too?...hoe we wouLd sometimes tink the same way about certain things? How we wanted to go traveLLing as a PC grp? Y do we keep focusing on the negative? Let us aLL forgive but not forget...treat dis as a Lesson weLL-Learnt, and benefit from it...if everybody's wiLLing to giv everyone another chance again...i beLieve everything wiLL work out weLL again.. Am reaLLie tired...Can someone teach me the principLes of frenship again? Vitamin C - Graduation (Friends Forever) And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives Where we're gonna be when we turn 25 I keep thinking times will never change Keep on thinking things will always be the same But when we leave this year we won't be coming back No more hanging out cause we're on a different track And if you got something that you need to say You better say it right now cause you don't have another day Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down These memories are playing like a film without sound And I keep thinking of that night in June I didn't know much of love But it came too soon And there was me and you And then we got real blue Stay at home talking on the telephone We would get so excited and we'd get so scared Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair And this is how it feels [1] - As we go on We remember All the times we Had together And as our lives change Come Whatever We will still be Friends Forever So if we get the big jobs And we make the big money When we look back now Will our jokes still be funny? Will we still remember everything we learned in school? Still be trying to break every single rule Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man? Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan? I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye Keep on thinking it's a time to fly And this is how it feels [Repeat 1] La, la, la, la: Yeah, yeah, yeah La, la, la, la: We will still be friends forever Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? Can we survive it out there? Can we make it somehow? I guess I thought that this would never end And suddenly it's like we're women and men Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round? Will these memories fade when I leave this town I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye Keep on thinking it's a time to fly [Repeat 1 (3x)] CasaNova's TeaRs, 0730 HOurs (To cont if i Have time) Squall Leonheart... |