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Sunday, January 20, 2008 The aftermath of 周杰伦 2008 Concert!
It was great! Though the 2004 one was better, I stiLL enjoyed myseLf! I'm so awe-struck by his taLents! He sang, he danced, he pLayed chaLLenging Piano Duets, he pLayed Gu Zheng, he re-composed oLd songs, he entertained with his dry humour, etc. U name it, he does it. Here I present you, The MuLti-TaLented 周杰伦 and his Concert Moments..Enjoy! 黄金甲 - The Opening! 周杰伦& 宇豪- 斗琴 at Singapore on 18th January 2008 雙截棍 - Different Version 牛仔很忙 - Cheeky 杰伦 dances! 本草綱目- 杰伦 Dances again! 听妈妈的话 with clips on 周润发 张学友 生日快乐, 杰伦! 夜的第七章 with Lara's appearance 最长的电影 (Loved This!) 黑色幽默 (And This!...Very Emo Moment!...Jay Cried?) 彩虹 (Acoustic Moment) 发如雪 - Encore! The highest moment was wen he sang 甜甜的 & 阳光宅男! Everyone was practicaLLy standing up! I was aLmost swaying to the tracks aLready! :P Too bad couLdn't find the vids on youtube! Aww...Dun you juz adore him? Happy Birthday, Jay! CasaNova's TeaRs, 0030 Hours Squall Leonheart... |