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Monday, February 25, 2008 李圣杰 - 擦肩而过
我爱着谁 爱到我有点醉 告诉我你是谁 能够把我让我变不对 你不会累 但我却爱你爱得好累 从没有为了谁 不顾安危付出一切 站在这平衡点 我还是觉得有点危险 或许是看不见 只能够靠感觉 Chorus 他不会是个好男人 也不会是个好情人 你对我说我们只是擦肩而过 好的男人有那么多 少了他的日子也能过 我不会再让你寂寞 也不会让你更难过 你听我说要好好学着去生活 就算未来有多少错 至少还有我的问候 我的温柔陪你度过 你听我说 你不要这么做 你不要看着我 说你已经知道怎么做 你很难受 我愿意陪你一起承受 只要你不怕痛 再多坎坷我都陪你走 站在这平衡点 我还是觉得有点危险 或许是看不见 只能够靠感觉 Chorus 他不会是个好男人 也不会是个好情人 你对我说我们只是擦肩而过 好的男人有那么多 少了他的日子也能过 我不会再让你寂寞 也不会让你更难过 你听我说要好好学着去生活 就算未来有多少错 至少还有我的问候 我的温柔陪你度过 他不会是个好男人 也不会是个好情人 你对我说我们只是擦肩而过 好的男人有那么多 少了他的日子也能过 我不会再让你寂寞 也不会让你更难过 你听我说要好好学着去生活 就算未来有多少错 至少还有我的问候 我的温柔陪你度过 就算未来有多少错 至少还有我的问候 我的温柔陪你度过 Haven bLogged for quite a whiLe...suddenLy this thing seemed awfuLLy distant to me...LoLz... CNY's been pretty...hmm...quiet dis yr...sure...there's the usuaL gatherings...but everyone's nt as cLose as we used to be... i haven seen my grandfather for a v Long new yr aLso dun get to see... thru my 3rd uncLe..onLi do i know wat 4th uncLe and his wife...they r hmm...distanting themseLves frm us...i hav no idea wat happened in between...but its said dat dis 4th uncle is chasing his brothers away aLready wen they went to fetch my grandfather... so chiLdish of them to do dis...den poor grandfather...nv get to c us during new yr...n hav to stay wif the 4th uncle and suffer...weLL...dis 4th uncle is nt v feeL dat grandfather wiLL nt have sumptuous reunion dinner dis yr... its a Long story...Lots of in-between stories...oh weLL... boss has been asking wen am i ready for the next LeveL...i was Like.. i wana Leave dis co aLready u stiLL wana promote mi ahz?...hahaz...of coz i didnt teLL her dat...LoLz...she says to giv mi haLf a yr to b ready for promotion..i'LL c hoe though...Lots of tempting jobs out there aLready...esp the stewards job...:P SQ's reaLLie in need of ppL noe...they juz had another rd of interview juz a short span of 1 mth as compared to Last time...which could b haLf a yr.. i didnt go for the interview though...LoL... mayb the next time...:P oh...i'm gg HK again!...LoLz...dis time wif my famiLy...scheduLed to be on the Labour day god!...i'm going for 7 nights....i wunder wat can i do in hk for 7 sis Loz...anihoe book...hai yoo... dis coming sat...hmm..going to b a Long day ahead...impt tasks on hand too...hope i'm prepared!...LoLz...kinda nervous... oh...dis sis gt petty superstitous somehow...and she started sticking coins ard the house and putting oranges at corner...LoLz... and she said we hav to drink pumpkin end up i had to cook the pumpkin turn out to be quite nice next time i can cook pumpkin soup for u guys recipe Learnt... my dis army fren....i tink he's incorrigibLe Le...the way he handLes Love juz makes mi wana sigh...good advice aLways faLLs on deaf ears...even my another army fren tinks so too...weLL...its his decision and Let him b i guess...Juz so disappointed wif him...he's changed...dats sad... dis song by Lee Sheng Jie brings about a Lot of random thoughts...not sure why aLso...mayb the Lyrics?...hahaz...its a nice song which i hav feLL in Love to recentLy... hmm...its getting Late...time to hit the piLLows!...more updates soon...stay tuned! MeanwhiLe..hav a gd week ahead too!...:) CasaNova's TeaRs, 0145 Hours Squall Leonheart... |