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Wednesday, February 6, 2008 楊宗緯 - 重來好不好
夜亦如此的颓废 思念不放手让我睡 你最喜欢听的爵士音乐 幽暗的忧伤的残念 而我站在照片的左边 快乐离我越来越远 每年这个季节特别有感觉 我好想你想再见你一面 Chorus 让我们重来好不好 再一次温暖的拥抱 求时间停在这一秒 倾听你的耳语心跳 许多事曾经是煎熬 回头看 突然都明了 用一切换你的微笑 而我站在照片的左边 快乐离我越来越远 每年这个季节特别有感觉 我好想你想再见你一面 Chorus 让我们重来好不好 再一次温暖的拥抱 求时间停在这一秒 倾听你的耳语心跳 许多事曾经是煎熬 回头看 突然都明了 用一切换你的微笑 就像在歌的转折 总有一些期待 真心才能詮释的爱 Chorus 我们重来好不好 再一次温暖的拥抱 求时间停在这一秒 倾听你的耳语心跳 许多事曾经是煎熬 回头看 突然都明了 用一切换你的微笑 Hi aLL... Happy Chinese New Yr! HopefuLLy it'LL b a good yr to aLL this yr... Have been pretty with work recentLy...not to mention aLL the CNY cLothes shopping and spring cLeaning... Last yr was stiLL pretty aLrite...hopefuLLy dis yr wouLd b beta... weLL...2 HighLy anticipated and Must-watch Movies... 1st up...we have...who else but my fav?...LoLz.. ![]() and then...we hav Mr King of Comedy!... ![]() so there...must watch rite?...LoLz... Hmm...dis entry's gonna b a short one...coz i've stiLL got some spring cleaning to do...gotta get it done b4 12am...LoLz...aLthough the right timing is Long over...on Monday where the sun returns to its originaL position...or so they caLL it Li Chun...oh weLL...i go by the Lunar Calendar!..:Pp Hmm...Lots of gossipy news LateLy...wats with taiwanese celebs criticising about S'poreans English and Edison Chen's Private Pictures aLL over the web... SeriousLy...these ppL hav got nothing eLse beta to do...y intrude into other ppL's privacy?...its not ethicaL and immoraL... on another note...Celebs shouLd aLso be mindfuL of their actions and privacy too...My heart goes out to those femaLe Celebs who have been exposed...but they shouLd have known beta wen they were video-ed by Bad Boy Edison... oh weLL...such is the reaLity of Life...aLL scandaLous rumours wiLL die down soon after a few months i guess... ok!..i gotta go do Last min grocery shopping addy!...Happy CNY to aLL, May aLL b bLessed with good heaLth and their Loved ones too...and hav a safe and fun trip to friends who r going overseas trip! (You know who u are!)...its the season of happiness! enjoy!...:) 5566 - 喝采 CasaNova's TeaRs, 1330 Hours Squall Leonheart... |