My personaLity ResuLt - ![]() Previous Posts
Saturday, May 31, 2008 Hi aLL...
Juz reaLized that I've bLogged for sLightLy over a yr...and i am onLi cLosing to 50 posts...LoLz...dats kinda pathetic eh?...hahaz... I remembered dat it started out wif a Lot of enthusiasm n excitment...with the 2 honeys heLping mi with the setting up...LoLz...and we were aLways exchanging bLog tips, reading each others entry, discussing it seems...sigh~...oh weLL... a fren of mine recentLy cLosed bLog...its kinda sad...i wunder wat happened? or was it moved to another addy and i was not informed? watever it is...if u r reading..pLs Let me know what u r going thru rite now...i cant heLp u if u dun wana open up...but if u prefer nt to teLL mi...its aLrite...i'LL stiLL respect yer decision...juz know dat i'm juz a phone caLL away...:) okiez...sad and emo stuffs n feeLings the Long awaited photos!...hahaz...i see many of u saLivating on the front seats addy!...dun bLuff! was reaLLie a fun, eventfuL and memorabLe Trip!...going to break dis HK Trip into some keep some suspense (Like there even is any!) and not to bore u guys too much in 1 goes the journey! (Gosh! sure isnt easy sorting out those 500 pLus photos and capturing them into sLide shows! StiLL @ it! So u guys had beta appreciate!...LoL) Now i present you...Day 1! Okok...its actuaLLy day 2... Day 1 was nothing much actuaLLy...i touched down HK @ ard 8...and the processing took Like forever as i was out of the pLace onLi by 9... Met up with my parents and sis @ abt 10 @ den...we were Like so hungry addy! fancifuL food on Day 1...juz normal cha can teng food... My parents were pretty bothered dat HK ppL do not eat much we brought aLong our Singapore Imported SambaL ChiLLi whenever we go for our meaLs...hahaz... We waLked ard MKK a bit before returning to our Guest House in's caLLed Lucky Guest House...kinda sLeazy but stiLL...not dat bad...hahaz... My sis was pretty moody dat day...coz she didn't get to shop ard we cheered her up and went for desserts!....Gosh!...i had desserts aLmost every night...hahaz...their desserts r juz so hard to resist!... We wanted to go Xu Liu Shan...but it was cLosed was 12 pLus at dat time...but we managed to find another dessert was nice...but there were no pics!...didn't brought the cam aLong...LoLz... There were aLso some stores seLLing Live Seafood...oh...we aLso went to scout for hoteLs nearby...but they were too we had to stay put in the guest house and subject our spines to the "Rock-a-Like" Bed...LoLz... Day 2...went to Lantau IsLand...sounds pretty hard to get to there...but actuaLLy easy...hahaz..juz take cabLe car...and voiLa!...its the MTR station, Tung Chung, where u aLight... We had Lunch @ Citygate's Pacific Coffee (the shopping maLL nearby) before heading to Lantau... i guess the sLideshow teLLs a dun hav to go into detaiL wat i did over there...hahaz...visited Po Lin Monastery too...juz next to the Buddha...did a fair bit of praying...and i saw a white-coloured fo zhu priced at SGD 30...wanted to get...but end up nv...LoLz...i did try some roadside food staLLs too...not dat fantastic (seasoned fishballs and sausages) but the corn is super sweet! refreshing! after dat...we head back to citygate to shop!...weLL...this is the pLace to be if u r Looking for discounts, discounts and more discounts! can go mad here...reaLLie!...aLL the outLet shops r gathered here; puma, nike, adidas, levi's, espirit, CLUB 21! (serious price markdowns of 90% off storewide!), UCB, Burberry's, Bally, Body Shop, Polo RaLph Lauren, TimberLand, and the List just goes on! we shopped here tiLL nite time, then dinner @ one of the seafood restaurant (no pics again!, we were too hungry!)...and head back to our rest hoLe...LoLz... Of coz...we being youngsters...juz wana expLore the Jordan area...we went for desserts again on the 2nd night!...and its Xu Liu Shan this night...if you noticed the sLideshow, you wouLd hav seen wat i ate...super duper nice Mango Fondue with was so heavenLy dat i nearLy teared! sure to order dat if u going to HK's Xu Liu Shan...5 out of 5 stars...value for money too at 6 pLus SGD... weLL...after the dessert...we juz had to pLop ourseLves on the bed...preparing for the next day's event, To Shenzhen!...stay tuned for the 2nd part! :) CasaNova's TeaRs, 0215 Hours Squall Leonheart... |