My personaLity ResuLt - ![]() Previous Posts
Saturday, March 8, 2008 古巨基 - 勁歌金曲2情歌王
(Forever love 王力宏) 爱你不是因为你的美而已 我越来越爱你 每个眼神触动我的心 (两个人的烟火 黎明) 最爱你的是我 否则你怎麽让我 否则我怎麽可能赴汤蹈火 你说什麽都做 (如果�爱 张学友) 如果这就是爱 在转身就该勇敢留下来 就算受伤就算流泪 都是生命里温柔灌溉 (童话 光良) 我要变成童话里 你爱的那个天使 张开双手 变成翅膀守护你 你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里 (很爱很爱你 刘若英) 舍得让你往更多幸福的地方飞去 很爱很爱你 只有让你拥有爱情 我才安心 (我愿意 王菲) 我愿意为你我愿意为你 我愿意为你忘记我姓名 只要你真心拿爱与我回应 我什麽都愿意 为你 (好想好想 古巨基) 好想好想好想好想 好想好想和你在一起 (明天我要嫁给你了 周华健) 明天我要嫁给你啦 明天我要(终于)嫁给你啦 要不是你问我 要不是你劝我 要不是适当的时候你让我心动 (不得不爱 潘玮柏/弦子) 天天都需要你爱 我的心思由你猜 I love you 我就是要你让我每天都精彩 (阴天 莫文蔚) 开始总是分分钟 都妙不可言 谁都以为热情它永不会减 总之那几年 感性赢了理性那一面 (飞机场的10:30 陶喆) Baby baby baby baby baby baby 是不是拥有以後就会开始要失去 我给你的越多 你却要想要躲 爱已无法回答所有的问题 (那麽爱你为什麽 黄品源/莫文蔚) 离开你是傻是对是错 是看破是软弱 这结果是爱是恨或者是什麽 (你怎麽舍得我难过 黄品源) 最爱你的人是我 你怎麽舍得我难过 对你付出了这麽多 你却没有感动过 (爱我别走 张震狱) 爱我别走 如果你说你不爱我 不要听见你真的说出口 再给我一点温柔 (让我欢喜让我忧 周华健) 就请你给我多一点点时间 再多一点点问候 不要一切都带走 就请你给我多一点点空间 再多一点点温柔 不要让我如此难受 (原来你什麽都不想要 张惠妹) 原来你什麽都不想要 我不要你的承诺 不要你的永远 只要你真真切切爱我一遍 就算虚荣也好,贪心也好 最怕你把沉默,当做对我的回报 原来你什麽都不想要 (用心良苦 张宇) 你说你想要逃 偏偏注定要落脚 情灭了爱熄了 剩下空心要不要 (祝福 张学友) 伤离别离别虽然在眼前 说再见再见不会太遥远 若有缘有缘就能期待明天 你和我重逢在烂灿的季节 (吻别 张学友) 我和你吻别在无人的街 让风痴笑我不能拒绝 我和你吻别在狂乱的夜 我的心等着迎接伤悲 (把悲伤留给自己 陈升) 能不能让我陪着你走 既然你说留不住你 回去的路有些黑暗 担心让你一个人走 (征服 那英) 就这样被你征服 切断了所有退路 我的心情是坚固 我的决定是糊涂 (听海 张惠妹) 听海哭的声音叹惜着谁又被伤了心 (味道 辛晓琪) 和身上的味道 我想念你的吻 和手指淡淡烟草味道 记忆中曾被爱的味道 (我怀念的 孙燕姿) 我怀念的是无话不说 我怀念的是一起作梦 我怀念的是争吵以後 还是想要爱你的冲动 我记得那年生日 也记得那一首歌 记得那片星空 最紧的右手 最暖的胸口 (领悟 辛晓琪) 啊!多麽痛的领悟 你曾是我的全部 只愿你挣脱情的枷锁 爱的束缚任意追逐 别再为爱受苦 (月亮惹的祸 张宇) 都是你的错在你的眼中 总是藏着让人又爱又怜的朦胧 都是你的错你的痴情梦 像一个魔咒 被你爱过还能为谁蠢动 (我们的爱 F.I.R) 我们的爱 过了就不再回来 直到现在 我还默默的等待 我们的爱 我明白 已变成你的负担 只是永远 我都放不开 最後的温暖 (你把我灌醉 黄大伟) 你把我灌醉 你让我流泪 扛下了所有罪 我拼命挽回 你把我灌醉 你让我心碎 爱得收不回 (眼泪 范晓萱) Oh 眼泪... 眼泪都是我的体会 成长的滋味 Oh 眼泪... 忍住眼泪不让你看见 我在改变 孤单的感觉... 你从不曾发现 我笑中还有泪... (情非得已 庚澄庆) 只怕我自己会爱上你 不敢让自己靠的太近 怕我没什麽能够给你 爱你也需要很大的勇气 (你是如此难以忘记 梁朝伟) 你是如此的难以忘记 浮浮沉沉的在我心里 改变自己需要多少勇气 翻腾的心情该如何平息 (心太软 任贤齐) 你总是心太软心太软 把所有问题都自己扛 相爱总是简单相处太难 不是你的就别再勉强 (Forever love 王力宏) Forever love forever love 我只想用我这一辈子去爱你 从今以後 你会是所有 幸福的理由 Forever love Forever love Forever love Hi aLL... My fav song for the moment on this speciaL day...share with u guys!...i aLmost teared by the end of the song...Lots of feeLings, memories and the good old days as each song comes to your mind...我们的爱 part a bit funny jay chou.. :( Hav decided to bLog a LiL on this speciaL but not so speciaL day...LoLz... 1st of aLL...a big tank you to those who remembered...:) To is juz yet another day...nothing speciaL...nothing fantastic... My 1st Present...a Fred Perry Wrist Band...a bit big though... ![]() Dis present came in a most pecuLiar was wrapped with an aLuminium foiL! LoLz...hoe funni is dat? fren..he's someone who doesnt wrap normaLLy he wiLL use other ppL's wrapper to wrap other presents...or wrap with some other weird stuffs...LoLz... Being 24 somehow feeLs Like having a tad more responsibility now...u can do wat u Like as how u want to in your younger days...u hav to reaLLie decide on wat u wan for future...u hav to decide yer career path...u hav to take more gd care of your many responsibilities.... I guess turning oLd means...becoming wiser and thinking more about your decisions that wiLL affect your future... I hav decided to try my Luck again next sun...dis time...i'm juz gonna go with a reLax attitude...bcoz i knew dat uLtimately...this wiLL not b my Long-term path... I've decided to start my studies dis coming aug...i haven decided wat to study though....pref the more cheaper but yet still okiez one...n nt too far!...LoLz... dis decision was made after i heard my cousin's inspiring career story... we were at dis wedding dinner Last sat...and he began taLking to us...teLLing my sis and i how he had started smaLL...and became the boss of 2 companies to date...with over mLLions of doLLars for saLes turnover per annum...impressive huh?... i reaLLie tink he has gt the saLes n business acumen...he has Lots of opportunities too...those dat he created himself..and those dat juz came to him...he was headhunted for a few times too... he has asked me to join his company before with a starting pay of 2k...but i rejected...coz the job he offered was nt to my Liking...its some account servicing...Lots of deaLings with cLient...and i somehow dun reaLLe Like the idea of working under him... but come to tink of it wiLL b good to work for him...coz he has gt Lots of contacts...and i reaLLie hoped to tap on his network...dats hoe u hav to network if u wana earn more...networking is impt... weLL...Let's hope he asks mi again...LoLz...and i might wana consider working for him and studying @ the same time...income with fLexi work scedule (or so i hope...:P) wiLL b good... The one thing that he toLd mi on that nite that made mi more determined to cont my studies soon: "You have to have a goaL and direction in Life. OnLy then wiLL you know where u want to head towards." And i reaLized...for this past yr...i hav wasted my dis yr...i'm gonna buck up! and i've decided the fashion industry is not where u can make big bucks. The mkt is onLi so smaLL. Hence, i'm expLoring into other areas...and my speciaLity too..:P ULtimateLy...The thing about earning big bucks is not entireLy for myseLf...but more for my parents...its reaLLie kinda heLpLess wen i see them entering their 60s and stiLL have to sLog...i hope to provide them with a better Living soon... My sis...i feeL...haven done so weLL so far...she's been working 2 yrs with a deg and i feeL her pay is stiLL shLd work harder now... with that focused tot in mind, i'm determined to make dis a fruitfuL Yr ahead! Wish mi Luck~ CasaNova's TeaRs, 0945 Hours Squall Leonheart... |