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Wednesday, October 1, 2008 Hey aLL,
Jay Chou Fans! His new aLbum is out's a preview: Dun u juz adore him...:) weLL...i reaLize i haven update my bLog in the past month...been reaLLie bz wif stuffs...with sch projects, tests, work, meet ups, etc... HardLy had time to breathe at times, though i beLieve dat aLL is for a good cause.. esp work...with added responsibiLities, its reaLLie frustrating sometimes, that and coLLeagues being over-bearing at times, i dun bLame them, everyone's overworked for dat meagre amt of saLary paid... quitting my job has nv Left my mind...its juz dat now is nt the rite time given dat i shLd make my recent promotion more credibLe with a few more months... this industry doesnt reaLLie suit mi...or so i tot for now...i cant feeL the passion for what i am doing now...its been a drag to hav to go to work now... working there used to be fun...with the coLLeagues ard...but somehow...things seemed to hav change, and i feLt a change in environment is inevitabLe...its onLi a matter of time... hmm...enuff of work!...hahaz...other things wise....its been Looking pretty good for me, schooL's stiLL managabLe so far (ok...mayb nt econs LoL), good peopLe have been coming my way, i have a new sense of direction and motivation in Life, bLah bLah... I am thankfuL for the recent happenings: the reunion of PC after so long, the entrance of good and kind ppl who has made a diff to my Life...Thank you! PC has pLayed a major part in my Life...and to see everyone wiLLing to meet up juz makes mi smiLe...though some unfamiLiarity stiLL surfaced, its aLready a big step towards recovery to the gd oLd times...hopefuLLy dat can happen!...:) I pray that the future can onLi b beta for me! Happy ChiLdren's Day! CasaNova's Tears, 1400 Hours Squall Leonheart... |