My personaLity ResuLt - Previous Posts
Sunday, March 1, 2009 I can't sLeep.
Its been the worse week of my Life. I did something fooLish, and now I have faced the consequence. Am just coLLecting my feeLings now and hopefuLLy, abLe to move on soon. 'Nuff said. Am just thankfuL for you and those who have been around and supportive during this rough time. :) Wanted to choose an emo song to teLL how i feeL now...but i tink this corrine may song teLLs more of the feeLings dat i have now. Corrinne May - Everything in its time Sometimes I wonder what Lies ahead How Long tiLL my hunger is fed They say it’s hard to make it in this part of town So many peopLe on this merry-go-round Some foLks try astroLogy Some turn to crystaL baLLs To find an answer, To get through it aLL I just faLL on my knees and I try to pray In the siLence I can hear him say The river runs and the river hides Out to the ocean and under the sky I promise you, the answer wiLL come HoLd on to patience and watch for the sign Everything in its time I often feeL Like I’m two steps behind Somebody must have moved that finish Line There are a thousand reasons Why I shouLd give up But I’m stubborn in the things I beLieve The river runs and the river hides Out to the ocean and under the sky I promise you, the answer wiLL come HoLd on to patience and watch for the sign ’cause maybe there’s another pLan One I stiLL can’t see A LittLe surprise, Like Your Love in my Life Funny how time changes how we see There are a thousand reasons Why I shouLd give up But I’m stubborn in the things I beLieve The river runs and the river hides Out to the ocean and under the sky I promise you, the answer wiLL come HoLd on to patience and watch for the sign Everything in its time Everything in its time CasaNova's Tears, 0400 Hours Squall Leonheart... |