Why do people depend on each other?
In the end you're on your own
I'm fine by myself now
I have all the skills I need to survive
I'm not a child anymore ..
That's a lie
I don't know anything
I'm confused
I don't want to depend on anyone
How can i do that ?
Someone tell me .. Someone?
So i'll end up depending on other after all .
Powerful and overbearing, you intimidate people with your presence. People know they can't push you around, and they respect that. Deep down, you are calm, confident, and unmovable. You take everything pretty seriously, and you think deeply about all aspects of your life.
You tend to feel smothered by paper people.
You don't mind crushing the spirit of a scissors person.
When you fight, you: Use all of your strength
If someone makes you mad: You're likely to throw something at them
Ceb...same as you again!...LoLz...didnt noe i need attention so much...hahaz...
You Are An Attention Seeker
You're only human, so you can't help but want a little attention every now and then. You love the spotlight, but only when it's well deserved. You'd hate to be known for the wrong thing. And you also don't mind sharing the spotlight. You can easily give someone else credit or a complement. You know there's enough attention to go around, and it makes you happy when your friends shine.
You come across as: Friendly and interesting
People may wrongly think you're: A little more modest than you actually are!
You have a great understanding of who you are, and your place in the world. You know what path you're on. And you are excited about your future. You're always deepening your inner knowledge and introspection. And enjoying it every step of the way.
Hey guys...its the time of the week again... somehoe...i stiLL haven gotten used to the routine of bLogging...hahaz.. i guess i'm juz pLain Lazy...gahahaha
I've juz cut my hair today....kinda nt used to the Look but i guess it'LL b over soon...LoLz...
I did a Lot of retaiL therapy dis week....LoLz...guiLty noe...hahaz...next week onwards muz save n scrimp Le...Trip coming up...
Aniway...been pretty unhappy dis week...1st...there's work... i've been pretty Late for work....for 2 days in a week...now that's very bad... its been bugging mi...my dept practises a try-not-to-be-Late-otherwise-u-wiLL-b-watched-by-the-manager habit.... so its pretty inevitabLe to nt feeL bug by this....
Aniway...i've made up my mind to nt b Late for the whole of this coming week...we'LL c bout dat...LoLz...
The Buyers wiLL b going on buy trip dis week...wooohooo...which means...wiLL b quite free...hahaz...mi and the other femaLe buying asst hav been discussing on interesting places for Lunch dis week....
Some highLights incLude...hmm...to PS...and mayb outram park de hawker...some places which we hav nv been to for Lunch b4...rather excited...:Pp
I find dat...hmm...actuaLLy i can cLick wif her the most in my dept...even though i knew her Like 3 mths onli as compared to the rest haLf a yr....ahahaz...mayb coz of age ba...she's onli 1 yr younger...very hippy type Like mi...LoLz...
I noe wat u r thinking noe...LoLz...she's married wif a boy Le Loz...Young parent...hahaz...so dun come asking mi gt chance or nt....:Pp
Hmm...she's in a diLemma of whether to get confirmed or nt...she wans to stay but the dist is too much for her i guess...but in the end she stiLL stays...hahaz...but i tink nt for Long though...we've been hiding in the sampLe to discuss pLans n secrets...hahaz...kinda fun working wif her...
Dis is gonna b a bz week ahead....visiting West MaLL atrium on mon or tues...to pLace order for cake....book tabLe...Dinner on wed....gosh...hahaz...aLL at once...
which brings mi to the 2nd vexing prob...
The organising... Its reaLLie super annoying wen u wana get things done n people juz dun cooperate...Now i noe y Ceb is so pissed off Le...these goddamn people juz refuses to repLy no matter hoe many times u sms them...
Those who took the time to repLy my smses...thank you.... n to those who dun...i'm nt sure wat to say bout u...i seriousLy dun beLieve dat u can miss so many smses dat i've sent out.... n i seriousLy dun beLieve dat you r so busy untiL u do not have the time to repLy to my smses.... goes to show how much u care bout dis frenship....much Less bout mi...
Aniway...i dun tink i wiLL b organising ani big gatherings in the near future since its nt appreciated.... No hard feeLings but i juz dun wana waste time n energy into doing something so fruitLess....
But i'm stiLL Looking forward to dis wed's gathering...:)
Hmmm....something pretty...hmm...Let's juz say nt pLeasant happen on 24 Jun night, sat....hahaz...i rather nt tok bout it...but it keeps bugging mi too...juz hope it'LL go away....sigh....
Someone toLd mi over the weekend to be very firm of what i want...to be very cLear headed n decisive.... Was toLd i'm overLy sensitive n i think too much...n it can b very off putting sometimes...
it was illustrated wif driving... I cant put too much pressure on it...if nt it wiLL nt move at aLL... I have to sit in the car and let it move 1st b4 deciding.... if it moves in the right direction...den i can stay on... if it goes in the direction dat i do not want...den prob i shouLd get off...
the last of what i can remember was that it is hard to LabeL something from the very beginning... the was a coupLe more...but my short term memory faiLs mi yet again...:Pp
I've sorta enLightened a LiL...Tks for aLL the advice...:)
Though enLightened a LiL...i stiLL aint sure wat i wan... i aLways tot...that...i've actuaLLy become more firm over the yrs...but i guess...wen things happen n i hav to make a choice/decision...i juz wasnt prepared...
Is this the direction i wan? m i Leading the kind of Life dat i wan to right now? where shouLd i go frm here? wiLL i make the wrong decisions? wiLL i regret?
So many questions...so Little ans...
i used to think dat if i ponder Long enuff over a question for a Long time...i wiLL get the ans eventuaLLy...but i reaLized...dis actuaLLy isnt the case...its nt Like solving a maths equation where u wiLL get a fixed ans....
Some questions...u can ponder for yrs n u stiLL wiLL not get an ans...there's no rite or wrong to it...its juz a matter of hoe it is Looked at....
Rite now...i'm feeLing very tired...jaded...pessimistic...i wan a hug! i wan a shouLder to Lean.... How couLd dis happen to mi???!!!...LoLz... Stress.... Emotions...a very stange thing...can Lift yer spirits up to the sky...den can make you feeL sink damn Low... Hahaz...the wonders of Life...
Hugs r wonders of life too...a warm n nice hug can reaLLLie make a down person up again...it can make you feeL Loved too...or at Least...those are my views...hahaz...
Hmm...used to think that sLeeping is a waste of time...but rite now...i tink i couLd reaLLie do wif some sLeep...escape from the reaLity n enter my own worLd...LoLz...ok...gotta go find my aLice Le...Tks for reading...:)
Hi... Not much interesting stuff happened dis wk to Mr Boring...hahaz...
Hmm...purchase of the week... 1 Visor... 2 Act Cute Tees... LoLz...aLL from Bossini....hahaz...TotaL...$28...hmm..quite cheap Loz...the act cute tees r at a steaL for 9 SGD...hahaz...they come in Lots of coLors and design...
They are actuaLLy Tees for Boys...but i dun care!...hahaz...gd tink i can fit niceLy into the largest size...:Pp
Went to catch a movie yesterday too...titLe's caLLed spider LiLies by rainie yang and isabeLLa Leong...here's the Link to the preview... http://www.encorefilms.com/spiderlilies/
Its ok i guess...though my fren feLL asLeep...hahaz..
Rated R21 because of the content...actuaLLy depicts bout dis 2 gers who knew each other wen they r young...but Lost contact...den after many yrs...meet again...and FeLL in Love...not much of a sexuaL stuffs if dats wat u were thinking...
Lovey Dovey kinda movie...not very detailed in the pLot but stiLL thought-provoking in some sense...3 out of 5 stars Lahz...
Surprised dat i wasn't checked by the ushers!...am i Looking oLd aLready?...hahaz...
Other den dat...i haven reaLLy gt much to bLog Le...everyday's been the same monotonous activities...eat...work...sLeep...msn...watch TV...LoLz...
Today...Father's day...nt ceLebrating...sis aint free as usuaL...shhe's off to being a sLave again...sometimes my heart reaLLy goes out to her...hmm...if onLi she couLd turn back time...her ex's been...hmm...LoLz...dats another story for another time...nuff bout her...:Pp
yaya...anti-cLimax...Leave you hanging in the air...keep u in suspense...watever u caLL dat...hahaz...but i feeL dat dis kinda stuffs...hmm...reaLLy personaL...so i shaLL not bLog bout dat....
aniway...ceLebrating father's day nx wk...hahaz...the usual lunch fare i guess...wanted to go zoo today but the weather's been pLaying a trick on me...LoLz...somemore my father finds it too troubLesome...n it aint convenient for him to traveL dat much too...
Aniway...i wana apologise for the perfume incident...LoLz..wiLL b more sparing wif it next time...:p weLL...i had a great time aniway n wasnt offended...no worries!...:)
Mudder...yer bday is comming Le...wat pressie u wan huh?...dun teL me the moon or stars hor...cannot pLuck for u...otherwise...anything reasonabLe wouLd b put into serious consideration...PC in-reading wana share?...
Dat time ask bout the PC gathering...i guess u aLL aint interested huh?...so sad..LoLz...aniway...if u aLL gt the mood den Lemme noe...i can do the organising anitime...:)...my pLeasure...
I've had some frenship probs wif another smaLL grp of frens...hmm...its been bugging mi...i guess there isnt much way to resolve?...its a wunder hoe someone can move on wif their Lives juz Lidat den forget bout their frenz...sigh!...
Y am i aLways pLague wif frenship prob?...isnt frenships aLL about simpLe and pLatonic?...am i aLways the cause of the probLem...be it directLy or indirectLy?...shouLd i do some refLection?...am i doing enough?...shouLd i not bother bout some stuffs?...
Yawnz...so tired of thinking...i need a shouLder to Lean on...23 yrs of Living...i'm reaLLy kinda tired Le...(no...I wun attempt suicide if dats wat u r thinking...LoLz..)
I guess as we age...Living becomes more difficuLt n monotonous...frens get lesser...u r stick to a partner...u becomes cLoser with the partner...den quarreLs become inevitabLe...and in some cases...divorce and den u r aLL aLone again..
I'm nt sure y my views r aLways so pessimistic...i do beLieve in miracLes...its juz dat nt everyone is so Lucky...and i aint one Lucky FeLLa unLike Ms XXX...hahaz...
Add in aLL the bad stuffs dats aLways happening...(there r aLways more bad stuffs happening den good...dun u tink?)...and dat becomes mi...LoLz...LiL Mr Depressed-Boring-Insensitive-TactLess-bad-Habits Prince...
Hahaz...i tink the List can go on de...but i shaLLnt make myseLf sound tiLL dat bad...
I guess wen i wake up tmL...aLL wiLL be new...n fresh (mayb not since Monday BLues wiLL kick in...LoLz...and the prob wiLL stiLL Linger)
But for now...i'm juz gonna go back to the LiL corner of my bed...do some reflections..listen to some songs n get aLL emo again...:)
Thank you aLL for reading (Listening) to my probs and haggLes...Have a great week ahead!
每个朋友都嫌他家太偏僻 (SeLina: La La La La) 第一次来居然还会感到害怕 (SeLina: La La La La La) 喔拜托 别闹了 环境优美空气新鲜的好地方 (SeLina: La La La La) 好歹袁惟仁跟他老爸也曾经搬来他家楼下 (SeLina: La La La )
(想一想) 想一想 不是因为胖哥他也不会跑来玩音乐 (SeLina: La La La La) 作音乐让我唱他写的假 Hip Hop (SeLina: La La La La La) 其实他的歌都很芭辣 (SeLina: La La La La) 不信可以上他部落格去听他唱一下 (SeLina: La La La La)
SeLina OS: 喂喂 Test Test 喔 不好意思 由于 Key 订得太高 我们副歌的部分呢 就请当家花旦 Hebe & SeLina 帮忙唱一下 来宾请掌声鼓励鼓励
Hebe: La La La 靠着窗听袁惟仁弹吉他 他认真创作的哼哼唱唱 SeLina & Hebe: 爱情傀儡征服和梦醒了 都变成了主打 Hebe: 靠着窗半夜听着袁惟仁弹吉他 Hebe: 他认真创作的哼哼唱唱 SeLina & Hebe: 一点一滴筑音乐的梦想 就要像他一样
ELLa RAP: 今年的他 已经二十六岁 卖过的歌曲其实用两只手就数的出来 但是他还是爱创作 爱音乐 爱爱爱 就像对岸很火的那首 老鼠爱大米一样爱
I won't taLk I won't breathe I won't move tiLL you finaLLy see That you beLong with me
You might think I don't Look But deep inside in the corner of my mind I'm attached to you Mmmm...
I'm weak It's true Cause I'm afraid to know the answer Do you want me too? Cause my heart keeps faLLing faster
[Chorus] I've waited aLL my Life to cross this Line To the onLy thing that's true So I wiLL not hide It's time to try anything to be with you aLL my Life I've waited This is true
You don't know What you do Everytime you waLk into the room I'm afraid to move
I'm weak It's true I'm just scared to know the ending Do you see me too? Do you even know you meant me!
[Chorus] I've waited aLL my Life to cross this Line To the onLy thing that's true So I wiLL not hide It's time to try anything to be with you aLL my Life I've waited This is true
I know when I go I'LL be on my way to you The way that's true
[Chorus] I've waited aLL my Life to cross this Line To the onLy thing that's true So I wiLL not hide It's time to try anything to be with you aLL my Life I've waited This is true
"Dear bLog,
I apoLogise for not feeding you with the Latest gossips in my current Life for the past week. I promise (ok ok..i'LL try to!) that i'LL not negLect you so often in future.
Yours FaithfuLLy, CasaNova's TeaRs"
There...that's beta...i do owe an apoLogy to my bLog and aLL in-reading for nt bLogging for the past week...there's juz no motivation and inspiration....LoLz...There isn't much to bLog about Last week anyway...hahaz...
I do beLieve that bLogging requires some inspiration...its Like writing a song or a poem...u need to conceptuaLise the whoLe thing...
Hmm...i aint gona bLog much for this entry...coz i stiLL dun hav much inspiration...mayb more at night wen aLL is quiet...
Night times r aLways the best time to do refLections...it is afteraLL the end of the day and u can think thru aLL the things done today...wat has been done?...what goes wrong?...whether the right thing was done?...
Besides...aLL is quiet...LoLz...no distractions...
New song embedded...hmm...dun read too much into the Lyrics...:Pp
To aLL PC in-reading, shaLL we organize a PC gathering for SH and AT's B-day? if aLL is alrite with it...i'LL make the necessary arrangements...(Yea...read i'm the organizer...LoL)...it shaLL be set on this week or next week...confirm your decisions~
Its been a Long time since we go K together Le....miss the funness and the highness...LoLz...
Ok...a bit on myseLf now (that's what u guys r here for huh...to hear my juicy gossips)
HighLight of the week 1
Mayb nt much of a hoo haa to you...but it is to me... I was Late for work one day...but guess wat time i woke up?....805 am!...LoLz...its the 1st time of such lateness in 6 months (yea...i've been working for 6 months Le...dun remind mi..i'LL touch on dat in a whiLe)...weLL...i managed to reach office and clocked in @ 901 am...
I am amazed...considering dat i'm such a mo guy...LoLz...stiLL...i chided myseLf for being such a pig!...n the cab fare was....gosh...$20..LoLz...(ERP charges juz nv seemed to go down...tsk tsk)
HighLight of the week 2
This one...hmm...everyone sorta noe aLready...bad things juz traveL fast...LoLz...Ms so and so caLLed mi...hahaz...wonder hoe she gt my no. Aniway...dat was the onLy time she caLLed...no more after dat (or at Least i hope not for the rest of the yr)...LoLz...
Not that i do nt want to tok to her...but i feeL she's up to no good...LoLz...
Ok...gonna pen off le (or rather key off)...more bout my tots on my job Life Later...(that is if I'm motivated n free enough...LoLz)